Doobz - awesome

I did comb all of my hair but quite loosely, just to kickstart the knotting really. All those knots fell out quickly and I'm going natural now. Which is probably not wise because I want relatively thin and uniform dreads! Lol... Luckily it's separating into quite thin sections at the moment - some so thin I'm keen for them to double up and get a bit thicker

I use Bronners too but also another "almost" natural shampoo about once a fortnight because I have naturally oily hair so Bronners builds up in it and makes it look greasy.
Saxo - Your username says it all

I do feel I picked a bad time to start as all of a sudden loads of people are, but it's something I've wanted for years and only just got the courage to go for it. I wear the same clothes I wore before, and listen to the same music (drum & bass) and indeed am completely unchanged apart from my hair. I'm not going to start wearing rugs and taking dodgy substances!!! Stereotypes FTW, huh
Shed - Thanks! You can just start to see how my hair is separating, the process takes years when done properly (ie naturally) so this is a loooooooong term project
Pie - If you're only here to insult my other half, bog off!

My sister said he looked girly in that photo

You do realise it WAS a posed picture?!
Jon - Wow do you have any more pics of your hair? 15 years is long

how did you start them?