Cheers Juj, do you have any pics of when you had dreads?
I'm afraid I have to disagree on the not washing bit - that just smells

Dry, clean hair knots up alot quicker than greasy hair as the oil makes it slippery. Wax is near impossible to remove properly and can end up rotting inside the dreads
I am washing less often because I'm not playing with my hair so it's not getting oily so quickly, however I used to wash every day so my scalp needs to get used to the change

I can only leave it 2 or 3 days so far but this will get longer over time
My hair is naturally quite wavy (as you can see in the last pic) so I'm seeing alot of it twisting and knotting of it's own accord already, I may try and take some pics of actual dreads forming at some point, though I'm only 6 weeks in so the change is minimal.
I'm hoping I'll be able to comb out whenever I decide to get rid of them, bound to lose a fair amount of hair but to be honest I can't imagine it'll look any worse than shaving it, ha! Anyway I'm hoping that won't be for a long time so not to worry about now

(though apparently a girl with short or even shaved hair can look HOT according to lemming... ?)
In other news, Lemming is dreading up too (for the second time - he's had them before) and I noticed his first knot today!

His hair is still relatively short so will take a bit longer, but woop! Perhaps I shall attempt to get a double knotty progress pic of both of us
Lis x