random question, but if you feel comfortable saying so in a public forum, what is your sexuality?
Talking to my friend last night(gay male) and served a lovely lesbian couple today(nicest customers today, thank god, long boring day)at work and it got me thinking:-)
is mini ownership mostly a straight scene? more gay males than lesbians? do we have any more bi/pansexuals in the room?
Or is it random and scattered.
no need for this post, just personal interest:-) Id say "no need to cause offense" but how could human sexuality be offensive?
Contentious one this one (is that how you spell it?)
Anyhooz im a girl and so is my partner

I think that answers that one

And no guyz you cannot watch
If ive heard that one once ive heard it a thousand times

Im not saying anything i havnt allready anyway in my project thread youll often see me refer to my partner as she and shes taken Boris to work

(leaving me noo fun

I agree it is an individuals bussiness but i dont think matt meant any offence?
If others want to answer do so if not keep it to yourself its every individuals own call

What would make me angry personally is if anybody thought any less of anybody on this forum just because of their sexuality,race,gender or any past genders etc afterall we are all here because we love our minis and to support each other with tech problems etc and thats all that should matter
