Project 'left Overs'
Posted 04 November 2008 - 02:22 PM
Posted 04 November 2008 - 02:26 PM
Or more likely that we will be getting pulled over by the BiB every 5 minutes.
For speeding if your driving...
Posted 05 November 2008 - 12:45 PM
Posted 05 November 2008 - 12:47 PM
good work guys looks like it'll be a right laugh when its finished

Posted 05 November 2008 - 12:58 PM

Posted 09 November 2008 - 07:25 AM
Posted 09 November 2008 - 09:32 AM

It took me 3 hours to get the bottom bolts out of the subframe mounts! Andy was not a happy boy!
More to come tonight, when I've hopefully finished the welding

Posted 10 November 2008 - 09:24 AM
Or more likely that we will be getting pulled over by the BiB every 5 minutes.
For speeding if your driving...
Oi! I resemble that remark!
Posted 10 November 2008 - 08:40 PM

Every time I went near it, more fell off....
If it had a petrol tank fitted and some fuel in it I could have shoved a wragg in the neck and put it out of it's missery

A few more small holes and the driver's side sill left to weld up and then it will be time to bolt it back together.
Posted 14 November 2008 - 05:48 PM

All the welding is done, bar one small bit on the floor.
The back end is fully undersealed and the tank is back on. Along with the subframe and wheels. The breaks are connected up and adjusted.
We've had a visit from a nice man with a pump up machine, so we have some proper ride height.

One more small bit of welding, pump some fluid through to the back brakes. Check and allign the lights. Battery, petrol and of for test.

Posted 15 November 2008 - 06:05 PM

Posted 15 November 2008 - 07:33 PM
Posted 15 November 2008 - 07:50 PM
looking sweet, what are the long term plans for it?
The plans are:
MG Turbo Body Kit
1275 Engine
MG Metro Head
MG Metro Inlet Manifold
Pipercross exhaust.
Coyotte Rally
Then in 2010:
New Front end
New rear valence
Then a trip to the Neurbergring
Posted 17 November 2008 - 11:02 AM
Posted 17 November 2008 - 06:53 PM
There's oil in the engine.
Water in the Rad.
All four wheels are fastened on.
The Tyres have lots of tread and enough air in them.
The steering is good.
The suspension is good.
None of the rubber bits are split/perished/cracked.
The shell is solid (well the important bits are

The brakes are good.
The hand brake makes the engine stall when you set of with it on.
All the lights work and point in the right direction.
So... fingers crossed
I had a look at my reapirs to the front floors again too. They look much better than I had remembered
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