So here it is
I got Olive (named by previous owner and i cant change it, can i?) at the start of this year for the grand total of £100, and since then i have gone through a few idea changes. Currently the idea is for a total strip, and rebuild (shell up) and now theres no going back as the shell has just come back from being sand blasted and now its officially a sive

I will be doing everything my self because im a poor student, and i will be getting a summer job to pay for it.
I would have started sooner, (10th may was when i started me summer hols) but as my brother crashed his mini we have been replacing the front of his as he needs it for work.
The plan is to have it road worthy by Aug for MITP

So now im waiting for a large roll of welding wire so i can finish my brothers mini, and start replacing panels and filling holes.
When i got her

Going to sand blasters
Nuddy :gasp: (shes blushing)