I don't want to scare anyone, but here's an update. Even if it is a bit dull!

Got a wire wheel off eBay. I'm hoping this will be tame enough to not harm the metal of the car body but still remove the paint.

Smaller ones for the drill to get in to the tight bits.

New battery channel, only drilled where I can't get access from the inside due to the crossmember. I don't weld upside down unless I have to.

All the other holes in the car floor.

Had a bit of a weldathon.

Welds dressed, floor primed and coated with paint.

And the front.
Still need to do the passenger side but I need to jack the other side of the car up for that.
Another thing I needed to sort was the holes for the side repeater wiring. My new inner wings didn't have the holes so I needed to mark out where they should be and make them myself.

Made a template from another car.

Template used to mark passenger side hole.

And the driver side hole.

Driver side pretty much done. Just needs checking for size and then painting again.
That's where I'm up to now. I'm trying to get a move on with it now and push past my lack of enthusiasm. I know it'll come back once I get past the painting stage. I'm just dreading it in case I make a right mess.
Thanks for looking :).