More progress today:

Primer all dried out.

Seam sealer applied to all the neccesary areas.
While the seam sealer was drying I decided to do some work on the boot lid as it needs some attention in a few areas.

Started stripping all the stuff off it.

The other side before starting.

The number plate is going to be attached with adhesive pads so the two holes here aren't needed.

Holes welded up and some areas of surface rust taken back to bright metal.

Red oxide sprayed on for protection, it'll all be sanded off when I prep the lid for paint anyway.
Then I painted the under side.

General view of the floor.

Exhaust tunnel.

Popped the boot lid in the boot for storage.
That's all for today. Tomorrow I'm going to jack up the other side and start putting the driver side sill on.
Thanks for looking
