I wasn't going to post this update as it didn't seem worth while but since it's back on the front page anyway here it is.
I stripped down my clutch slave assembly a few weeks back (no pictures as it was literally a 5 minute job) and popped the parts in the tub of vinegar I have in the back yard.

Parts removed from the vinegar.
As you can see they're all cleaned up and nice. I need to make a decision about how to paint the parts up. Not sure whether I should do the mounting plate black and the slave cylinder itself brilliant orange or keep the slave cylinder in raw metal and just lacquer it for protection. Either way, once decided, I'll get it sprayed and rebuild it with the new seals I bought a while ago.
I'm attempting to correct my sleeping pattern (damn you Final Year Project) so I can get back to getting up and working on the Mini as at the moment I'm almost nocturnal.
Thanks for looking