Lets face it, where British Leyland are concerned this could mean anything!
just like washing machines come with a sticker saying Warning tested with water 
also seen on a rover
Warning engine may be hot after use, don't not touch
That’s reminded me of something I posted years ago...
For all those who have had trouble with the minis wiring/electrics
Lucas jokes
Lucas Three-way Switch - Dim, Flicker, Off
The other three switch settings--SMOKE, SMOLDER and IGNITE.
Lucas dip-switch positions: LOW and BLOW
It's not true that Lucas, in 1947, tried to get Parliament to repeal Ohm's Law. They withdrew their efforts when they met too much resistance.
Joseph Lucas- the Father of the Intermittent Windscreen Wiper
The Original Anti-Theft Device - Lucas Electrics
Did you hear the one about the guy that peeked into the Mini and asked the owner
"How can you tell one switch from another at night,as they all look the same ? "
He replied, it does not matter which one you use, nothing happens !
Say do you know who engineered the mini's electrical system?
Lucas prince of darkness.
Lucas denies having invented the darkness!
But they still claim the "sudden, unexpected darkness" !
Lucas is the patent holder for the short circuit.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone.
Thomas Edison invented the Light Bulb.
Joseph Lucas invented the Short Circuit.
Lucas systems actually uses AC current; it just has a random frequency.
and lastly
Lucas is an acronym for Loose Unsoldered Connections and Splices.