Well basically I was concerned that Elliot's rear subframe was out of alignment which could have been a huge pain in the bottom so I've been feeling a bit lost for enthusiasm about her lately.
After much pondering and muddling about I've decided to sell her and buy a Honda Civic EK9 instead:

What a cop out that would be if I gave up now! Although I would love an EK9, but not as an alernative to the Mini, has to be in addition to.
Anyway, back on track! You can see the results of my recent straightness analysis here: http://www.theminifo...p;#entry1917446
Other than that, the only pictures I have to show are these:

New heelboard ends.

With reinforcing bracket.
I can also confirm that these have the proper UNF bolts on the back, well unless they're really close to the UNF size but in metric, my old heelboard bolts screw in to them just dandy.

This lip needed cleaning up.

Progress made, still looks as uneven as a teenagers complexion though so more work to do here.

This is how it was today while I was crawling about measuring things, joy.
Tomorrow I want to start hacking away one side of the heelboard.
Thanks for looking