Didn't get to the garage until late on this afternoon because I was up to some other stuff. But I've got a bit of work done on my rear subframe so here it is.
Frame after the paint had dried.
Products I'd brought with me to use on the frame.
Cavity wax sprayed in to all the nooks and crannies and the seams. I don't rate this stuff, it's alright, but it's by no means outstanding.
Mountings that need cleaning up.
Rear mountins dismantled and cleaned.
Rear mounting bushes, servicable but not very good.
Front mountings dismantled and cleaned.
Front mounting bushes deformed.
Mountings etched.
New bushes, of the hardened variety.
Painted mountings.
Subframe sprayed with Hammerite Underbody Seal, I really like this stuff! It covers well, looks the business after being applied and has added waxoyl.
I think I shall be getting a few tins of that to use on the underside of my floors and on my sills, probably even on my inner sills before the outers go on. It's not bad at £6.49 a tin from Halfrauds, maybe even cheaper at the local Motorfactors, I will have to check.
Thanks for looking guys
Edited by Deathrow, 10 September 2009 - 06:58 PM.