Apologies for the fact that there hasn't been any updates in a while, this is primarily down to the fact that I'm now working towards degree in Computer Science at University, so I only have the saturday of each week to do any work. On top of this, the last 2 weeks have been used to do a bit of work on my mums new MPi so my poor Elliot has suffered a bit of neglect

Anyway! That was not the case this past saturday as I had been itching all week to get my hands on something to do with Minis! I didn't get masses done as my cheap as chips angle grinder bit the bullet, started making some awful noises, I used it right until the smoke started pouring out of it

I got round to my friends garage ready to start work, we did a bit of a garage clear out so we had more room to work with over the winter, this consisted of my wings, some other bits of scrap metal and my old bootlid skin. When we got back I started cutting the floor pan repair section I got from Mini Spares down to the size I required (I don't want to cut out any original metal that I don't have to.

Floor pan repair roughly cut to shape, it would be finished and ready to weld in if my angle grinder hadn't died.

I cut out a circle from the material I removed from the inner wing, I used this to patch over the driver side fresh air vent.

Patched vent from the inside. You can see good penetration, which made me happy. Think I'll be happy welding structural panels now.
That's all I've got picture wise I'm affraid. Sorry about the quality, my phone camera in the dark is pants.
I've ordered a new grinder, went for a Clarke one as reccomended by Mini Magazine, I got a hand nibbler while I was at it, worth a go for under a tenner.
I also stumbled across a thread by Adcuz recently when I was looking for paint methods and it inspired me to buy 2.5l of black Rustoleum CombiColor, that should all be arriving this week ready for me to get cracking on with the bodywork.
Until next time, comments appreciated, it's always nice to know people are reading.
Edited by Deathrow, 16 November 2008 - 06:08 PM.