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Elliot - The Second Attempt


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#361 Joloke08


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Posted 11 July 2009 - 12:55 PM

I'm not sure if I'm using Rustoleoum on the outside anymore, I'm definitly using the Earlex though, but it may be with some cellulose, I want Elliot to be like a mirror!

Ive seen both cars sprayed with an Earlex and those sprayed with Rustoleum and both were good :(
You cant go far wrong with the Earlex one thing i have heard others say is you can get fantastic results with Rustoleum though its hard work so from a point of view of ease Celulose in an Earlex if you have a place to Spray is probably they way to go :rolleyes:

I just get a real buzz from those willing to think outside the Box,Some say you cant do a proper spray job unless you buy a proper gun and proper compressor but i Dissagree!

Some Say you cant Spray a Car with Rattle Cans?
I agree if its a Huge Car but Dissagree when it comes to a Mini i painted the Front Panel,both A panels,and Both Doors on Boris Using Cans and ive been told its as good as a Bodyshop Paintjob :angry:

Some People say you cant Brush Paint a Mini but again i Dissagree those who get brush Marks cut corners and use the wrong Brushes and Techniques etc if you take your time Anything is achievable ;')

So Spray Elliot With Your Earlex but Remember Preperation and Cleanleness is the key and then step back and tell the doubters "I told you So" ^_^ ;) :P

Jodie :)

#362 Deathrow


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Posted 11 July 2009 - 06:09 PM

I'm not sure if I'm using Rustoleoum on the outside anymore, I'm definitly using the Earlex though, but it may be with some cellulose, I want Elliot to be like a mirror!

Ive seen both cars sprayed with an Earlex and those sprayed with Rustoleum and both were good :ermm:
You cant go far wrong with the Earlex one thing i have heard others say is you can get fantastic results with Rustoleum though its hard work so from a point of view of ease Celulose in an Earlex if you have a place to Spray is probably they way to go ;)

I just get a real buzz from those willing to think outside the Box,Some say you cant do a proper spray job unless you buy a proper gun and proper compressor but i Dissagree!

Some Say you cant Spray a Car with Rattle Cans?
I agree if its a Huge Car but Dissagree when it comes to a Mini i painted the Front Panel,both A panels,and Both Doors on Boris Using Cans and ive been told its as good as a Bodyshop Paintjob :(

Some People say you cant Brush Paint a Mini but again i Dissagree those who get brush Marks cut corners and use the wrong Brushes and Techniques etc if you take your time Anything is achievable ;')

So Spray Elliot With Your Earlex but Remember Preperation and Cleanleness is the key and then step back and tell the doubters "I told you So" :P ;) :)

Jodie :thumbsup:

Basically, the only reason I've decided not to use rustoleoum is because from my tests with it, I found it takes a really long time to go hard, and in some cases, it never does. I've read too many horror stories about people painting with rustoleoum and going to try and polish it up and it just goes milky. Thats the main reason I'm thinking about going cellulose.

Oh I agree with you entirely, anything is possible, it just depends how much time you're willing to spend on it to get a decent finish! To be honest, the Mini is the perfect car for it because of its external seams. I intend to use the seams to divide the car up in to sections (driver side, passenger side, front end, rear end and roof), this will mean I only have to concentrate on getting one section right at a time, if I mess up, I've only that one section to correct :(, it also means you don't need a huge booth to spray it in!

I don't mind if my paint comes out orange peely either, as long as I've got enough on there and it's well stuck I don't mind spending alot of time flatting it to get it to shine, especially since I can do that at a later date.

I saw your rattle can work on the front of Boris and was very impressed, you managed to get a really good match.

Again, thanks for your input and comments Jodie :(.

Right, give me ten mins, going to write todays progress up.

#363 Deathrow


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Posted 11 July 2009 - 06:16 PM

Right, here is todays work:

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I'm still not sure if I'm happy with this, but I shall play around with the filler a little bit more and see where we get to, I want it to look nice and smooth, if I can't get it right I'll start over and do the metal work again.

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Patch for the inner sill marked out.

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Cut out, bent and offered up to see bends are in the correct place. Are we definitly sure I can cut this much out of the inner sill while the car is being supported by its subframes? Or am I asking for trouble?

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Nasty hole under driver rear quater evaluated and rot outlined.

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My repair section.

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Preparing to remove the old inner rail.

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Rail removed, patch roughed down and offered up to check positioning.

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Trimmed to size.

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Marked out and chopped!

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Patch offered in to place, I painted it white with primer so I could see how it was lining up with the rest of the bodywork. Still needs some filing here and there to fit in perfectly.

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Overall look of the rear quater at this point.

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Did some more sanding on the rear quater filler, still needs more work, I hate fillering haha.

Thats it for now, should be going back to work on her soon, won't be tomorrow but probably early next week.

Thanks for looking guys and girls :).

#364 daveeeeee


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 09:57 AM

looking good dude, do you have a doner car or something? lol

#365 Deathrow


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 01:46 PM

I do sir.

I bought a *cough* "rust free shell" *cough* from someone with the intention of being naughty and reshelling Elliot, upon investigation, this rust free shell was more rotten then Elliot but just in more hidden places so it wasn't even worth the hastle. Since it was sold to me without any reg docs or a vin number it's not fit for returning to the road so it's slowly being butchered.

If theres any bits you need, let me know and I'll see if they're still on it and in decent condition :thumbsup:.

Edited by Deathrow, 12 July 2009 - 01:47 PM.

#366 Jordie


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 02:25 PM

Your fine removing that section of the inner sill. Hell, people have removed a full inner and outer sill....

Pics of the shell bud?

#367 Deathrow


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 02:54 PM

Your fine removing that section of the inner sill. Hell, people have removed a full inner and outer sill....

Pics of the shell bud?

Is it ok, bearing in mind th car is still supporting its own weight?

I'm scared to cut it out, because naturally, if it did flex, thats it, too late.

When I do get round to doing it, I'll do it in one go and make sure it's welded in before I go moving the shell. Once those 2 patches are done it's ready for an outer sill :thumbsup:.

I'll put some pictures of the shell up later this afternoon, someone else has already contacted me about it so it seems theres a bit of interest for bits to be cut off it.


#368 Jordie


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 03:23 PM

Ive cut the outer sill off mine, 2 sections out of the inner sill and part of the floor pan and its never moved an inch. All the panels we trimmed to size have slotted in no problem and it looks straight. We have joggled and pressed the reams etc into any panels we've made which makes them stronger then standard flat steel. I suppose thats ok for us, since we have the machinary to do so, but non the less, plenty of projects on here with bigger sections removed and no flexing.

#369 Deathrow


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 03:26 PM

Ive cut the outer sill off mine, 2 sections out of the inner sill and part of the floor pan and its never moved an inch. All the panels we trimmed to size have slotted in no problem and it looks straight. We have joggled and pressed the reams etc into any panels we've made which makes them stronger then standard flat steel. I suppose thats ok for us, since we have the machinary to do so, but non the less, plenty of projects on here with bigger sections removed and no flexing.

Grand! That makes me feel alot better about cutting it out. If the weather is nice I shall get to that job tomorrow at the same time as slowly welding that repair section in at the top of the rear quater. Am I right in thinking I'd be better using higher amperage for a shorter time to reduce the amount of heat introduced in to the panel?

Here are pictures of the shell, if anyone needs any bits, please contact me by PM so we don't end up cluttering my build diary :thumbsup:, thanks:

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EDIT: And please no "You've murdered a Mini!" posts, the guy who killed this Mini was the previous owner by providing a false description and refusing to give me the VIN plate and registration. Not to mention the repairs he did, I removed the driver side sill with a screw driver and my hands along the bottom because it had been merely tacked on.

Edited by Deathrow, 12 July 2009 - 03:29 PM.

#370 Jordie


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 03:48 PM

Ouch, now did you say you "paid" for that? Bummer, hope it wasnt expensive.

#371 Deathrow


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 04:10 PM

It was a complete shell when I paid for it.

It looked like this:

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But on top of that it had:
Front subframe with arms
Rear subframe with radius arms and brakes
Pair of mini fins on the back
Full set of ripspeed hi-lo's in excellent condition
Chrome door handels and chrome executons
4 almost brand new doughnuts

So the £250 I paid wasn't that bad as I've made most of it back, still need to sell the bits I don't want though. Just a shame the bit I actually bought it for, the body, was rubbish, but at the time I was very unaware of the Minis rot areas, I am now much much more informed on the matter :thumbsup:.

#372 Jordie


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 04:37 PM

make some garden furniture out of the rest of it. BBQ and a seat :thumbsup:

#373 Joloke08


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 04:40 PM

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Doesnt look too bad just needs a Skim of Filler and a lick of Paint and it Will Look like New :huh:

Should then sail through an MOT :thumbsup:

:huh: :thumbsup:

Jodie :huh:

#374 mighty mini jack

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Posted 12 July 2009 - 04:43 PM

I'll be needing the same part you chopped out for yours, im guessing the other side will be ok to use ?

#375 Deathrow


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 04:53 PM

make some garden furniture out of the rest of it. BBQ and a seat :huh:

Believe me, I've been tempted to fill the boot with coal and whack a wire grill in there a few times!

Doesnt look too bad just needs a Skim of Filler and a lick of Paint and it Will Look like New :huh:

Should then sail through an MOT :thumbsup:

:huh: :thumbsup:

Jodie :huh:

Haha, yeah! Well they say you can't have any rot within 30cm of a suspension component, what if the panel is just missing?

I'll be needing the same part you chopped out for yours, im guessing the other side will be ok to use ?

The other side on my shell isn't as good, I'm going to have to make the repair section for that side myself.

You could use either side though as long as it doesn't include the corners.

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