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Elliot - The Second Attempt


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#271 Deathrow


    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 07:06 PM

Despite having to work against every force on earth today I managed to get some work done on those speaker enclosures:

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Templates stuck down on the MDF.

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Moved round to the garage and ready to get cutting.

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Roughed out.

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Cut out and speaker assembled in place.

You can't really see from that but the pieces with the larger holes go on top and then the pieces with the smaller holes screw to those and have the speakers mounted in them. Just counter sinks the speaker by about 9mm.

If the weather is alright tomorrow I'll head round to the garage and start making card templates for the top and bottom pieces of the box. I won't be able to finalize the build until the lower dash rail has its padded cover back on.

Thanks for looking :dozing:.

#272 Deathrow


    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 05:12 PM

Right, here's a proper update!

Went over to the garage today and got some work done on the inner sill and various other bits and bobs.

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Jacked up and supported.

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Todays rusty victim.

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Bye bye rust. Thankfully, when I removed that panel I didn't find any rust inside the crossmember (makes a first!).

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Patch made and etched.

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Red oxided all I could get to...

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...and the patch.

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Made a small patch section (not pictured) for the rear arch and traced on to the arch ready to cut out.

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Patch mostly welded in, some areas I need to clean up and do a bit more welding on but it's mostly there. Possibly the ugliest patch I've ever done but it's strong and it'll be well out of sight soon.

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Rear quater patch fettled some more and now fitting in place.

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As long as I take my time welding it should come out nice and straight too :goaway:.

Thats it for today. There's going to be a skip blocking my progress for the next few weeks but I might get down there and wire wheel the whole floor and get it all primered up ready for painting. Plenty to be getting on with regardless.

Going to be putting together a nice big Mini Spares order in the near future so I'll document all that lot when it comes in.

Thanks for looking :).

Edited by Deathrow, 10 May 2009 - 05:13 PM.

#273 Deathrow


    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 05:25 PM

Apologies, Photobucket just had an episode with me.

Pictures should be back up now.

#274 dezshearer


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 05:35 PM

Looking good mate, you're gettin there!

#275 Saxo-Fiesta-Mini


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 07:35 PM

great work fella

#276 ginger_monkey


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 10:02 PM

looking nice there mate. You should get a lovely sound out of those speakers when it's all in a secured. I'm loving having mine there. great for when you camping and you got the doors open too as the sounds floods out to where your BBQ is :D worked ace at the riv run

#277 johnbest981


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 11:34 PM

Is that some 2D Design? We used too use it in technology at school, haha. if it isn't what is it? looks the mutts nuts, as does the rest of your work.. as usual.

#278 Deathrow


    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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Posted 11 May 2009 - 12:29 AM

looking nice there mate. You should get a lovely sound out of those speakers when it's all in a secured. I'm loving having mine there. great for when you camping and you got the doors open too as the sounds floods out to where your BBQ is :D worked ace at the riv run

I never even thought about how the sound would flood out with the doors open! Bonus! Doors open for the components and boot lid down for the sub, sorted :(.

Is that some 2D Design? We used too use it in technology at school, haha. if it isn't what is it? looks the mutts nuts, as does the rest of your work.. as usual.

It was made in Techsoft Design Tools: 2D Design V2, sharp eye you have. I used it at school too, thats where I got it :(. Thanks for the compliment on my work :). Hope it all pays off.

#279 johnbest981


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Posted 11 May 2009 - 12:50 AM

I also got it from school, I just didn't to sound like too much of a tight-wad/geek and admit I stole some computer software... aha.

#280 Deathrow


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Posted 11 May 2009 - 01:15 AM

I also got it from school, I just didn't to sound like too much of a tight-wad/geek and admit I stole some computer software... aha.

Hehe, why pay for something you can "borrow" for nothing :D.

#281 tedmcedd


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Posted 11 May 2009 - 11:17 AM

top work as always! cant wait to get at mine with the grinder and welder!!

#282 Deathrow


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Posted 14 May 2009 - 01:12 PM

Hello guys,

I've been stuck at Uni with nothing to be getting on with, Mini wise at least. Also been feeling a bit down because I got dumped, but I guess there'll be other girls ;D.

Anyway, while I've not been bothering to do anything I've been reading old Mini Mags and found a picture I decided to photoshop a bit:

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Elliot's front end should look something like that, although it might have a bumper on it, I'm still unsure. Anyway, I thought I'd post that up to add to the other one and to show my visulisation and see what people think of the orange roof, yay or nay?

Also, having seen this post by daveeeeee, I decided to order a fiberglass rear valance from The Arc Angels, they look to be really good quality and they're the same price as a genuine steel one anyway. Plus, it'll never rust on me again :lol:. Once I've sorted the boot floor and rear panel out it'll be bonded on to the floor. Saves me buying closing panels too.

Thanks for looking.

#283 ginger_monkey


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Posted 14 May 2009 - 05:20 PM

sorry to hear you being dumped. Now you can go chase loose floosies around :P plus you've got more time to work on your mini ;) I really like that orange roof it's different. Will get you noticed that's for sure. But hey I do like orange now don't I. Try a photoshop with the arches done instead of the mirrors and see what that looks like.

#284 analogue_radio


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Posted 14 May 2009 - 05:27 PM

Sorry to hear about your missus mate! hard to believe at the minute but there are better girls out there :P liking that photoshop!

Never been keen on spotlights in the grille but each to there own, orange roof looks niiiiice, & I'd be interested to see the arches orange & the wing mirrors black.

#285 Deathrow


    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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Posted 14 May 2009 - 07:09 PM

sorry to hear you being dumped. Now you can go chase loose floosies around :P plus you've got more time to work on your mini ;) I really like that orange roof it's different. Will get you noticed that's for sure. But hey I do like orange now don't I. Try a photoshop with the arches done instead of the mirrors and see what that looks like.

Haha, yeah, apparantly I can. Although, shamefully, I'm 20 and have no idea how to go about it. More time on the Mini is always good though, although I rather enjoyed talking to her Dad about the Mini, he was always really interested. Oh well.

Sorry to hear about your missus mate! hard to believe at the minute but there are better girls out there ;) liking that photoshop!

Never been keen on spotlights in the grille but each to there own, orange roof looks niiiiice, & I'd be interested to see the arches orange & the wing mirrors black.

I hope so Image and I hope they don't hide away for long haha.

Yeah I know lights in the grille isn't everyones cup of tea but I really prefer them because all the ugly (imo) brackets are hidden away :genius:.

Two slightly adjusted photoshops:

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The reason I left the arches at first is because the middle of the wheels are going to be orange as well. Not sure which I should go for. Hmmm.

All input is welcome!

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