Right, here's a proper update!
Went over to the garage today and got some work done on the inner sill and various other bits and bobs.

Jacked up and supported.

Todays rusty victim.

Bye bye rust. Thankfully, when I removed that panel I didn't find any rust inside the crossmember (makes a first!).

Patch made and etched.

Red oxided all I could get to...

...and the patch.

Made a small patch section (not pictured) for the rear arch and traced on to the arch ready to cut out.

Patch mostly welded in, some areas I need to clean up and do a bit more welding on but it's mostly there. Possibly the ugliest patch I've ever done but it's strong and it'll be well out of sight soon.

Rear quater patch fettled some more and now fitting in place.

As long as I take my time welding it should come out nice and straight too

Thats it for today. There's going to be a skip blocking my progress for the next few weeks but I might get down there and wire wheel the whole floor and get it all primered up ready for painting. Plenty to be getting on with regardless.
Going to be putting together a nice big Mini Spares order in the near future so I'll document all that lot when it comes in.
Thanks for looking

Edited by Deathrow, 10 May 2009 - 05:13 PM.