How Elliots standard engine looked at the start of the day.

Carb, exhaust and inlet manifolds removed as one big unit.

Rocker cover off.

Rocker gear removed and stored for later.

Poor Elliot, I've no idea when this happened but she was running perfect before I took her to bits. Bless her, she's been a trooper, she's highly deserving of this new engine I feel.

Head off.

Bunged in a box to save getting oil everywhere.

Bell housing, clutch, flywheel and transfer case removed.

Diff removed.

Gearbox and block split.

Parts that need sorting and refurbing accordingly.

Gearbox, all looks good. Will be stripped down and checked over. Baulk rings definitly need replacing as I've got the classic crunch from 3rd to 2nd.
I'm going to tidy my room throughly now. I have a nice big workbench in my room which will be turned in to the clean area of operations where I can strip and rebuild the gearbox and other bits and bobs before they are all assembled together as a nice shiny 1275

Thanks for looking