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Elliot - The Second Attempt


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#1606 myredmini


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Posted 01 September 2016 - 09:19 PM

Nice to see this progressing! Looking really good!

#1607 Deathrow


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Posted 09 September 2016 - 09:53 PM

This update is a little late. I managed to take Wednesday off work as the weather was looking promising. Luckily it delivered and I was able to spend some time in the garage.


The arches were a little uneven from the moulding process. I gave those areas a fill and got the arches in to primer.


Guide coat applied.


Passenger side rear quarter.


Driver side rear quarter.

I did a better job with the guide coat this time than I did on the roof. It's enough to see but it's light enough that it won't cause a problem if any gets painted over.

Just lots of blocking to do now before it's time for the big paint. I've ordered some more 800 grit sandpaper as I didn't have a huge amount to start with, certainly not enough to do the whole body.

Thanks for looking :-).

#1608 Edgar Branco

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Posted 13 September 2016 - 12:55 PM

Very nice job.

Waiting for the paint job

#1609 danny2009


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Posted 19 September 2016 - 08:52 PM

Looking good mate 👍, I hate the sanding prep but will all be worth it, roof is looking well

#1610 Deathrow


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Posted 10 October 2016 - 01:27 PM

Thanks for the kind words guys. We've had a few setbacks and delays but there's an update on the way.

#1611 Deathrow


    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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Posted 10 October 2016 - 01:32 PM

Well we've had a few busy days in the garage.



Front wing.



Other side.



Rear quarter.



Rear panel.


Try to ignore the dust, it settles quite promptly after we open the garage door. That's four coats mixed 50/50. I'll to give it a few days and take a look at it and decide if I want to go ahead and do a final coat mixed 60/40 to get more gloss out of it.

Thanks for looking :-).

#1612 sonikk4


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Posted 10 October 2016 - 02:36 PM

Happy days it's got a new coat of paint, looking good Adam.

#1613 Deathrow


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 08:00 PM

This thread has gone a long time without an update. I can only apologise for that because the lack of updates is not caused by a lack of progress. This update can serve to bring everything up to date.

The next job on the list after the body getting painted was to inject cavity wax in to the appropriate places and apply underseal to the underside. After seeing him use it and a helpful discussion with Podifold via PM I settled on using Dinitrol ML as cavity wax and Dinitrol 4941 as underseal.

About to start preparing for cavity wax and underseal.

Subframes removed and the body supported on axle stands over a plastic sheet in an attempt to protect the garage floor and ease clean up.

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures beyond this point as I wanted to get it done and it was also quite messy and I didn't want to keep touching things I didn't need to.

Once the car was protected inside and out it was time to finish creating the fuel hard line which runs from the engine bay to underneath the boot floor. Regretfully I had discarded the old steel one so there was a lot of trial and error involved.

Completed fuel hard line prior to fitting.

Fuel hard line fitted.

Brake and fuel lines both installed.

After the underseal had dried I made a start on rebuilding the rear suspension, hopefully for the last time before it sees the road.

Rear subframe installed.

A look at the undersealed floor pan.

Brake and fuel lines running down the side of the exhaust tunnel.

Close up of the underseal on the sill.

Radius arm installed and checking that I fitted the brakes correctly previously.

Checking the bottom of the brakes for correct spring installation.

I've fitted the radius arms with adjustable camber/toe brackets from Mini Spares.

Brake drum touched up and wheel mounting face cleaned up before fitting.

Popped a wheel on loosely to see how it looked.

Quick close up.

I'll do the other side on Thursday and then I'll need to work out what the next job is.

Thanks for looking :-).

#1614 sonikk4


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 08:18 PM

Nice one mate that is looking good.

#1615 Deathrow


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Posted 27 September 2017 - 12:58 PM

The whole ordeal with a soon to be not so well known image hosting provider in recent months had left me not wanting to bother posting my progress with Elliot. Well it's been long enough now and I've found somewhere else to host my images temporarily until we can roll our own image hosting solution for TMF. Here is a brief update to cover what's been happening when I've found time to work on Elliot in the past few months.



Finished off the driver side rear corner, brake lines run, brake hose installed, etc.


At this point I returned to working on the front of the car. Having previously observed just how tight the ball joints were I decided to redo them. Some of you may have seen my thread in the technical section regarding ball joints and their quality. Unfortunately I just wanted that out of the way so I didn't take any pictures of the process. However here is a video:




Finally got around to painting the brake calipers.


Painted the AP logo in black as best I could by hand.


Steadier hand needed. They'll look fine on the car though.



Boot lid flatted ready for paint.



Bonnet flatted ready for paint.



Boot lid painted. Sadly there are a few dents and waves in this bonnet that I didn't spot prior to paint. It will do fine for now though.


Finish from the gun.



Doors prepped and primed.



Another angle.


Next job will be to get the doors flatted and painted along with the bonnet, that'll see the end of the majority of the painting. There are still a handful of small items that need painting like boot hinges, seam trims and the bonnet stay. I also plan on masking up and putting a few more coats of orange on the roof as I'm not quite happy with it.

Thanks for looking :-).

#1616 Shifty


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Posted 27 September 2017 - 07:01 PM

MITP next year then??

#1617 Deathrow


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Posted 28 September 2017 - 08:16 AM

MITP next year then??


I certainly hope so!

I was trying for this year but life gets in the way and time flashes by without even realising it. Next year should be more than doable though.

#1618 GraemeC


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Posted 28 September 2017 - 01:27 PM

Good work Adam!

#1619 mini_matt_106


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 09:11 AM

Loving that orange!!
What image hosting site are you using now? Need to transfer all mine over still

#1620 Deathrow


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 02:37 PM

Loving that orange!!
What image hosting site are you using now? Need to transfer all mine over still


I'm glad you like it, I think it has come out quite well.

I'm using imgur at the moment.

Don't worry about moving your old pictures, just use imgur for any new images you post :).

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