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Elliot - The Second Attempt


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#1591 Deathrow


    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 03:19 PM

Time flies when you're havi...busy at work. Just a quick update with some recent progress; some of which has already been seen on Facebook.



Workbench finished, varnished, assembled and put to use. My girlfriend is most of the way through cleaning up the wiring loom.



Positioned more central for better access. I've already started work on the roof at this point.



Prep work on the roof and rear completed and two coats of high build applied.



Close up of the roof.



Close up of the rear windscreen pillar.


I managed to get a much smoother finish out of the gun this time. That's one thing that this process of working around the car in sections is allowing me, practice. There's just the passenger side and the front end to prep and prime now and then the whole shell (excluding bolt on items) is in primer and from that point onwards I can work around the whole car in one pass instead of sections.


Hopefully there will be further progress before the end of this week.


Thanks for looking :-).



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Posted 12 March 2016 - 10:11 AM

your thread is great, you've done some really nice work, its nice to see it all starting to come together. well done mate keep it up

#1593 Deathrow


    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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Posted 28 April 2016 - 04:29 PM

It's been over a month since my last update but I'll keep this one brief:
Front end now in primer.
As is the passenger side (apologies for the poor picture).

So that's now the whole shell in primer. There's still lots to do but I'll keep soldiering on when time and the weather permits.
Thanks for looking :-).

#1594 danny2009


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Posted 30 July 2016 - 12:41 AM

Any updates not been on for quite a while, nice to see some primer on :)

#1595 Cookiez


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 11:37 AM

Good to see some updates on this


Keep going, soon be there

#1596 Deathrow


    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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Posted 01 August 2016 - 01:16 PM

Sorry for the lack of updates guys. Progress has been made albeit not leaps and bounds as we've had a pretty dismal summer weather wise so far.

She's been seam sealed where required on the shell and the shell has had another two coats of high build all over. The shell is ready for flatting now before starting to put top coat on.

I've started work on the doors and boot lid. They're all primed on one side but need a few skims of filler in one or two areas before I prime them properly on both sides.

We'll get there!

#1597 Deathrow


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Posted 08 August 2016 - 02:33 PM

I managed to remember to take a few pictures this weekend of what's been done since the last update.


Doors are in progress. Few coats of primer applied and started to fill areas that need it.


Exterior of boot lid is in final primer, ready for blocking.



Wheels are in primer ready for a quick flat and paint applying.



Overall view of what's recently been primed. What's hard to see in between the wheels is the wing mirror backs and the rear numberplate light housing.

Still constantly changing my mind about the colour scheme. I think I'm back on board with an orange roof now but we shall see what happens. Can always paint it black later if I decide I don't like it.

Really need to get this thing painted and waxoyled before the weather starts to cool for the year.


Thanks for looking :-).

#1598 danny2009


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Posted 11 August 2016 - 10:31 PM

Every little is a step forward Mate stick at it

#1599 buddylove


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Posted 15 August 2016 - 09:01 PM

Great to see progress on this again. Keep it up!

#1600 Deathrow


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Posted 17 August 2016 - 01:02 PM

Thanks guys. Trying to maintain momentum and get her painted before the weather turns.

Took the day off work yesterday to get some progress made. Got lots done but only one picture to show for it.



Applied a few coats of paint to the rear of the wheels.

It was only while resizing the above picture that I realised that it seems one of my Exactons was produced by Exacton themselves and the other three were produced by British Leyland. The differences appear to be relatively subtle and only seem to feature in the rear of the wheels. Who can spot the odd one out?

Thanks for looking :-).

#1601 lawrence


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Posted 18 August 2016 - 10:06 PM

Nice and primered now :) looking forward to some colour! I want to say top left if the odd one out, looks like there are some casting marks/lumps round the top of the bead?

#1602 Shifty


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Posted 18 August 2016 - 10:25 PM

Why have you not painted this yet??


Stop stalling and break out the guns!!!

#1603 Deathrow


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Posted 19 August 2016 - 12:29 PM

Lawrence you are correct. There are the marks around the rim where it looks like breathers were installed in to the cast. There's another small difference but it's barely visible in the image above. The surface that goes from the rim edge to the rear face has an extra contour in it on the British Leyland wheels.

We're nearly there Sean, there's been so much dirty old Rustoleum paint which I put on many moons ago to remove before we could prime. I'll be happy knowing it's all been stripped off and the new paint is sat on a solid foundation.

Had another day off work yesterday, managed to make further progress. The bonnet is entirely in primer now. The driver side door is primed on the back side having all the nasty paint removed. One more door, some seam sealing and a few more coats of primer and everything will be getting a guide coat ready for blocking.

The outside face of the wheels are painted now and some lacquer has been applied to the inside faces too. Just the outsides need lacquer now and they can be wrapped up and stored until they're needed.

#1604 Deathrow


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Posted 30 August 2016 - 11:57 AM

The Bank Holiday weekend was a little mixed weather wise but it did give us a few good days to get in the garage.

Here's Saturday's progress:

Touched up a few areas of paint on the wheel faces.

Wheels lacquered.

Inside of the driver side door has all been cleaned up and primed.

After a few changes to the inside of the boot lid (mainly getting the boot latch fitting well) this was also primed.

Guide coat (primer with some paint mixed in) applied to the roof.

We continued on Sunday morning by seam sealing the bonnet, boot lid and doors where required. Also installed rivnuts in the doors for the mirror fixings. There's no progress pictures from Sunday however I do have these taken at the end of the day:

Wing mirror back in first coats of paint.

Rear numberplate light surround also in first coats of paint.

The roof after its first two coats of paint.

This is the first time I've sprayed actual paint and I'm going to make a few changes to my setup for the next two coats on the roof. Overall though I'm very happy with the first attempt. These will all be nibbed off before the next two coats go on.

Thanks for looking :-).

#1605 sonikk4


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Posted 30 August 2016 - 12:08 PM

Looking good Adam, looking good.

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