How To Bend The A-panel Lip Around Without The Right Tools.
Posted 19 October 2018 - 04:03 PM
Good job.....
Posted 19 October 2018 - 06:12 PM
Hey that's cool, good home-made jiggery pokery!!
Posted 18 June 2020 - 08:51 PM
Awesome technique, been looking for information on if and how the lip should be wrapped round. reason being I have a mini that has a new A panel fitted and may I say appears to have been done quite well except they did not bend the lip around. This has only been highlighted after the car has been painted and when first opening the door it shaved the edge of the door paint off. I have taken the door off the car to allow access to the lip which I need to bend before re-fitting the door (fortunately for me the Painter has the door and he is going to sand the door down to the metal on the offending edge then respray as a gesture of good will. I guess that when I bend the lip it will now crack the paint on the edge of my A panel.
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