Creating The Ideal Boot Board
Posted 20 January 2009 - 11:36 PM
Is there anywhere else cheaper?
Thanks again
Posted 20 January 2009 - 11:55 PM
Posted 21 January 2009 - 12:44 AM
Am definately going to have a bash at it!
Can't believe this hasn't been pinned yet!
I may have a problem with mine,
I have a 12 disc changer screwed to the "roof" of my boot.
Although i noticed some people dont have the rear board on there anyway?
Or could i mount this hidden somewhere else?
Is there anywhere behind the construction where this might fit?
Seriously well done for doing this, anyone done a drawing with dimensions for the rear speaker board?
Posted 24 January 2009 - 04:00 PM

well what can suggest is on the right hand side of my boot design on the reverse side of the panel you could mount the cd changer so it was out of sight, you would then need to create a section where the cds can be accessed for changing purposes. Plus would mean you would save room in your boot doing this. And i have got the measurements somewhere, got template i made as well, i shall find them and upload for the speakerboard, again i modified the design so that there was no chance of it moving or being kicked in

Posted 29 March 2009 - 04:00 PM
is the whole thing just 'loose' in the boot and just stays there because its wedged or is it secured with any brackets or anything?
i think in gunna put sopme carpet on the roof of mine then try to attach velcrow or somethign to keep tools and stuff in a nice neat place!
not sure how long it will take me though but looks great from ur pictures.
Posted 29 March 2009 - 11:34 PM
my boot is a right mess think im gonan give this a go. just curious i dotn carry a spare as i have 7x13 wheels on and its poitn less but i carry a full tool kit every were as it keeps brakign down. wouldi be able to modifie it to carry the bag sucrley fitted down?
Posted 31 March 2009 - 02:09 AM
i have to do this, my boot is a state! might not find this thread again if its not pinned or in th faq thingy ma bob, when i do mine i will be putting a 10" sub to the right, but i bought a special flat sub so that i should be able to fit it flush with where the boot opening is, therefore not losing any/much space!
danny, i have seen toolboxes that fit inside ur rear wheel in 'the range' so might be a good idea to fill that gap but cant see a problem, just put some lil rubber feet on the base board
ps nice looking boots, get a thin piece of ply and carpet that and atatch it to the inside of the boot lid an it will look 10 times better though! good work!
Posted 31 March 2009 - 06:16 AM
One thing that struck me was the boot seal - some have rubbers on the car body others on the boot lid ? I'm worried I have ordered the wrong one now from mini spares ! Too late as it is currently somewhere over the atlantic.
When the $$$ builds up again I will certainly have a crack at this. Need to fix a couple of leaks first though - water leaks through boot lid seal as well as holes where badge is attached.
Posted 04 April 2009 - 08:45 AM
Posted 04 April 2009 - 11:06 AM
im gunna try to make a start on it this afternoon so hopefully not long before its all up and running and working as a nice, smart, solid boot kit as apposed to a jumble of mess!!!!

Posted 05 April 2009 - 01:48 PM
the petrol tank side (lets say the left side), i had a bit of difficulty making the template fit? it fit the right hand side though which i thought was odd? have a mixed up the measurements or are the left and right side the exact same size?
also the 2 rectangular pieces? which one is the base and which oine is the rear of the kit? thanks much appreciated.
Posted 07 April 2009 - 11:46 AM
I found that its best to double check the measurements using tape measure in the car, the base and back board i believe are pretty much the same size width wise baring about a Cm or so if i remember, so the one with smaller width is going to be he base and the one thats wider shall be the backboard as this is the main support were the other panels connect to. And as for the petrol tank side, it takes a bit of fiddling along with patience but it should fit in the left hand side, you may find you need to cut out a small section on the left hand side of the flexy mdf so that it bypasses a support for the petrol tank.
Hope this helps. Many thanks for using the guide.
Posted 12 April 2009 - 11:04 AM
Posted 13 April 2009 - 02:23 PM

Posted 14 April 2009 - 11:09 PM
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