Following on from Renteds post here..... and because im away working over a weekend and have nothing to do but browse TMF lol..... I thought id list everything done so far to this car so later it will be less work to sumarise when the car is eventually finished.
Engine... ( from the bottom up )
Ive rebuilt this 3 times now... mainly because after I finished it 1st time I decided to go full straight cut
Gearbox completly stripped right down to the last spring, nut, needle bearing etc etc
Take bare case and clean it for about 4 days solid, ( unless you have a dip tank you wont get it totally spotless... but ive used everything I can lay my hands on to get it totally clean).
Every bearing replaced with new, all baulk rings replaced with new MiniSpares comp baulks, competition layshaft, every circlip replaced, all synchro springs replaced, Gear set replaced with straight cut close ratio set. Center oil pick up installed. gearbox case fixings replaced with M 8 cap screws. It goes without saying that all gaskets and seals replaced. X pin diff installed. New output shaft bearings installed.
Stripped completly and rebored / honed to 73.5mm. 11 stud head modification. All oil gallery plugs pulled, 4 for the ends, one in the base of the block for the oil pressure release blow through and the rivet under the pressure release.... all replaced with brass taper plugs. New cam bearings installed. gearbox fixings drilled and tapped M 8. All waterway and oil feeds to the head drilled and tapped with brass taper plugs installed for dry deck. MiniSpares Mega Pistons (7cc dish) fitted to end over end balanced rods. ARP rod bolts fitted. New big end bearings. Block flycut to give me 11:1 comp ratio and 16thou deck to piston height. Spigot made to fit core plug positoin for dry deck and installed to front core plug at Wok end of engine. Crank is back drilled, wedged, bladed and toughend and balanced to the rotating assy. new mains. crank is reground to 10/10. center main strap fitted. Kent 274SP cam fitted. new oil pump. new water pump. lightened chilled iron cam followers with oil drain fitted. new thrust washers, every thread run through with appropriate tap for cleaning. all seals and gaskets replaced. timing gear plate replaced wth alloy version. duplex timing chain. vernier duplex timing gear set. new tensioner. all core plugs replaced.
Transfer assembly
new transfer housing. all bearings replaced. straight cut roller transfer gears.
Clutch / Rotating assembly
Fully lightened and balanced clutch assembly. Orange Diaphram and AP racing bonded clutch. S damper setup with the machined pully for my relocated crank sensor. new clutch release bearing. full diaphram clutch working parts installed and the verto style parts junked.
Head Assembly
flowed and ported head... 36x31 valves with double springs, ported and matched to the manifold doweled for location. All water and oil ways drilled and tapped for brass taper plugs for dry deck. flycut to match block deck. 11 stud head modification. 1.5 roller rockers. relocated rocker oil feed to plug behind thermostat position. New valves / guides and all gaskets and seals replaced. Drydeck spigot installed. ARP head studs fittted throughout.
Completly stripped and all rust cut out and replaced with new panels <THIS WAS AND IS THE HARDEST PART> full custom cages Miglia cage welded in < this was the second hardest part.... as I expected it to fit pretty closly..... and sometimes it felt like it was made for a bigger car...... shell is currently at the paint shop.... Paint is the only job im not doing... I dont want to mess up by 'learnig how to paint' when the mechanicals are as good as I can get them.
Completly stripped and rebuilt. Rear sub assy....rebulit radius arms and backplates... basically new bearings, brake cylinders, brakes, braided hoses, new cones, HiLows, knucles, fully adjustable camber brackets. Front Sub Assy.... New top arms, bearings, knuckles, cones, bump stops, rebound rubbers, fully adjustable tie bars and bottom arms, offset bushes, tie bushes, solid mounts throughout.
Std rear shoes , Super MiniFins with metro 4 pot calipers at the front. New seals and stainless pistons. Braided hoses throughout. vented disks. all wheel bearings, ball joints and track rods replaced.
Well so far thats all I can think of.... im sure ive missed something but will update when I remember them..... when I get back to the UK in a couple days Ill post some pictures of the progress and an assembled engine and the other bits and pieces.... It sure goes back together faster than it came apart lol..... only work gets in the way of finishing it at the moment
Thanks to all who have posted and expressed interest in this build..... the comments and support are great when it all seems to go Sooooo slowly.
As always the greatest thanks and kudos goes to Sprocket on here... cheers for the help and advice mate its much appriciated.
Edited by DaveRob, 06 June 2009 - 02:56 AM.