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R1 powered Mini Cooper

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#271 Ade


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:10 PM

Oh yeah forgot about those... But in fairness the manifold was set as standard and lets face it mine isn't a standard mini. Also the mount were for the carbed R1 which are slightly different I think we were the first people to use the R1 injenctions aswell.

But Chris has been excellent. Everything has been sorted no arguements even sorted me some sensors for the engine when he didn't have to at all so I can't him really :grin:

#272 R1minimagic


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:18 PM

I was the 1st person to build one of the kits so I had a lot more problems than most (I think you other bike engined guys have benefitted a lot from my misfortune!!) but I agree that Chris has been very good at sorting the problems, admittedly after the parts were sent out, lol!!!

#273 Ade


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:23 PM

Yeah thanks for that Dale :grin: Made our lives easier :tongue: :grin:

To be honest with ours (Pete's and mine) because they're one offs I was expecting more problems than we actually had so I'm pretty chuffed really! :grin:

#274 R1minimagic


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:29 PM

Aye, can't wait to see you two out and about. Have you got your mind set on anything for next year (after the donuts of course)?? :lol: :lol:

I think the carbed engines run pretty rough after putting the free flow air filter and straight through can on, but very good after setting up on the dyno. I guess the injected ones should be better in this respect?? Mine had a huge power loss between 6 and 8 thousand revs. How is yours??

#275 Ade


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:35 PM

To be fair it's been spot on! No lumpyness of flat spots at all. If I had to guess I'd say it's overfuelling though. Occasional fire on upshifts and alot of popping and banging when coming down the box! :grin: Might just leave it :fear: :grin:

#276 R1minimagic


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:38 PM

Sounds good!! Mine still pops and bangs. :cool: :cool:

I think the injection will sense the airflow increase and automatically increase the fueling so you probably wont see as big a difference after the power commander compared to a carbed R1.

#277 Ade


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:39 PM

To be honest next years plans are pretty fluid. I think some shows prolly some drag events and hopefull some track action. But I'll take it as it comes :grin:

#278 Ade


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:41 PM

Sounds good!! Mine still pops and bangs. :cool: :cool:

I think the injection will sense the airflow increase and automatically increase the fueling so you probably wont see as big a difference after the power commander compared to a carbed R1.

I'm in two minds at the mo! My dear mummy (bless her) said she'll get me either the power commander of a quickshifter kit for chrimbo/birthday! :grin:

Can't decide!! :nugget:

#279 R1minimagic


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:44 PM

Whenever i've taken a tuned injected mini for a rolling road session, it always came out with exactly the same power it went in with.

I think the power commander will allow you to remap the whole rev range so you could get some benefits, but i think they will be minimal. Where it will be an advantage is if you decide on any future tuning, changing cams etc.

#280 Ade


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:52 PM

Hmm I did wonder..... But then having removed the EXUP system I'm assuming it could probably be made a bit better... Hopefully a fair bit....

#281 R1minimagic


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 07:56 PM

The EXUP valve is there to increase low down torque and maybe help emissions so i dont think you will see any improvement here.... a loss of torque maybe???

At high revs the valve is usually fully open as well. Would be very interesting to see some data - with/without EXUP valve fitment

#282 welderman


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 08:10 PM

Removed my exup valve, might even get an aftermarket set of headders.

#283 Ade


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 08:49 PM

Allegedly without the EXUP valve and with a more agressive map you can get more power than with. As always when things are done for the masses they have to be ultra reliable hence safe! So fingers crossed.

I think I'll go with the power commander as with the quickshifter I'd need a shorter gear cable which would add to the overall cost. Plus the gear shifts aren't exactly slow at the minute! :grin:

#284 mini-gti


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 09:15 PM

do you guys with the r1 conversions keep the same reg, been reading the dvla website and i'm a bit confused, it says that you have to keep a certain amount of the original car and at the mo i'm only keeping the shell, will i have to re register???

#285 R1minimagic


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Posted 25 November 2005 - 09:24 PM

Yes, we keep the same reg plate. If you have a mini that has already been registered you dont need an SVA. The guys at DVLA dont seem to have a clue with this sort of thing, very frustrating!!

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