Yes I went to Castle Combe!!
First good news was that I actually passed the noise test! It was with a standard R1 airbox fitted and gave 102.6dBa.
First outing onto the track I could immediately tell that there was a big loss of power with the R1 airbox. The engine really struggled to rev for the first few laps but then got a bit better. Not sure why, maybe the ecu adjusting itself??
I changed back to the normal TTS foam filter which is quite a bit louder but my performance was back again!!
Was struggling with the braking as the car was very squirmish under moderate braking so I had to brake very early and for a relatively long time before each bend, giving other cars chance to catch up and overtake me, doh!!
Harder braking made the back lock up and the car wanted to spin round. I now realise that the sierra calipers require much less pressure than the normal mini drum brakes as the area of the pistons is 4-5 times bigger than a mini drum brake cylinder piston. Hence, I require a bias valve to reduce the pressure down.
I thought the handling was good compared to other minis, so no worries there. My front suspension is still at standard ride height, so I intend to drop it about 11/2" which should improve stability.
The next realisation was that i wasn't getting full throttle!! More like 3/4 throttle actually. So a quick mod was to remove the accelerator pedal stop at the cable end which allowed the pedal to come up higher and i could then adjust the cable to give more movement. Problem now is the pedal is a bit too high for my foot so i need to modify the pedal!
Driving out onto the track in 2nd gear, i floored it and couldnt believe the extra power i had!! The car was sideways under power!! Yippeeeeee!
I was becoming more confident and getting quicker and quicker but still very much hampered in the braking department. Also, i felt that i definately needed the gear indicator to be working. On many occassions I knocked it into neutral thinking that i was going from 3rd to 2nd gear but actually already in 2nd! The problem then is it tends to clonk quite a bit getting it back into 2nd gear at 30-40mph which cant be good for the box.
Overall though a very good day, the car came back in one piece (A048's are well bedded in now!) and i know how to make improvements. Very pleased with it for the 1st proper outing.
I dont think there will be any more events this year, car is back on the trailer in the garage. I have 2 other minis to work on anyway!!
PS Took David out in the car, maybe he can add some unbiased comments?! :fear: :fear: