I wouldn't recommend this method if you're wanting to keep the paint underneath the underseal in-tact. You're likely to remove a lot of it.
You Will Need:
-Hot Air Gun
-Spray Bottle (something like an empty household cleaner bottle)
-White Spirit
-Wire Brush Attachment for drill
-Electric Drill
-Kitchen Towel
1) First, you start off by heating the area with the hot air gun and scraping with the scraper to get rid of the worst of the underseal. Don't worry if it all still looks quite messy.
2) Fill your spray bottle with white spirit and spray the area. This softens the remaining layer of underseal.
3) Use the wire brush attachment on the electric drill to go over the area. For tighter or more difficult to reach areas use the wire scourer and your gloved hands to scrape at the area. It'll all look even messier now.
4) Spray the area again with clean white spirit.
5) Simply wipe with kitchen towel and you'll have an underseal free surface!
It definately saved me loads of time compared to just using a hot air gun and scraper and you are left with an absolutely spotless surface.