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Spi Tuning

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#16 jimjammie


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Posted 06 March 2008 - 10:04 PM

Yo Sprocket..............you out there :D

Is there anyone out there :-

#17 jimjammie


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Posted 09 March 2008 - 03:44 PM

Is there anyone out there

It would appear not. :o Time to buy an Escort methinks. Probably cheaper & easier to tune :thumbsup:

#18 Git


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Posted 26 March 2008 - 07:30 AM

Is there anyone out there

It would appear not. :) Time to buy an Escort methinks. Probably cheaper & easier to tune >_<

For Christ sake... don't buy an Escort... you can have the full spec on my Spi (it goes like brown smelly stuff off a stick)

#19 John H

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Posted 26 March 2008 - 09:13 AM

Is there anyone out there

It would appear not. :P Time to buy an Escort methinks. Probably cheaper & easier to tune :)

For Christ sake... don't buy an Escort... you can have the full spec on my Spi (it goes like brown smelly stuff off a stick)

ok then reveal all please >_<

#20 Git


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Posted 26 March 2008 - 12:29 PM

Ok, here goes…. I’ve taken all this info from the folder of history that had been compiled by a previous owner. All praise to him.
1293cc (0.020� Overbore: complete rebuild at 86,535 miles (currently on about 150,000 miles.
Kent MD 274 Injection Camshaft.
MED race crank (wedged, bladed, lightened & Tuftrided)
Duplex timing chain & gears
Lightened injection flywheel (reluctor ring repositioned 3Ëš)
Big valve ‘Jonspeed Racing’ cylinder head (35.6x29)
Bronze guides, double springs, valve seals fitted to inlet & exhaust valves. 1.5 roller rockers,.
Intake clearance = 0.015, exhaust = 0.017 (Standard??)
Ramair intake filter.
3.105:1 4 pin differential.
Front, Metro 4 pot callipers on Metro vented discs, EBC Green Stuff pads.
Rear, Standard drums at the moment, will get minifins when wallet allows.
Wheels are from MWS and are Minilight Mk2 5.5 x 13�
Tyres are 175/50 x 13 Yokohama A539s, these give an obscene amount of grip.
Front and rear shock absorbers: KONI Classic Sport adjustables, currently set at minimum all round. Hi-Lo’s fitted front and rear.
Adjustable bottom arms fitted set to 0Ëš, as is the tracking,
Adjustable front tie bars fitted and set to 2.5� castor.

If anyone has any suggestions as to further upgrades, I’m keen to hear them. Somebody mentioned fitting a throttle body from an early Rover 820… More info?

#21 jimjammie


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Posted 26 March 2008 - 04:49 PM

Many thanks "Git" but unfortunately it's too late. :D As good old Sprocket didn't come up with the information he promised :) I had to let the car that I was after go. Shame but the lack of hard information on the forum & elsewhere on the beasties pretty much put me off altogether.

#22 ICAM


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Posted 26 March 2008 - 04:50 PM

Ok, here goes…. I’ve taken all this info from the folder of history that had been compiled by a previous owner. All praise to him.
1293cc (0.020� Overbore: complete rebuild at 86,535 miles (currently on about 150,000 miles.
Kent MD 274 Injection Camshaft.
MED race crank (wedged, bladed, lightened & Tuftrided)
Duplex timing chain & gears
Lightened injection flywheel (reluctor ring repositioned 3Ëš)
Big valve ‘Jonspeed Racing’ cylinder head (35.6x29)
Bronze guides, double springs, valve seals fitted to inlet & exhaust valves. 1.5 roller rockers,.
Intake clearance = 0.015, exhaust = 0.017 (Standard??)
Ramair intake filter.
3.105:1 4 pin differential.
Front, Metro 4 pot callipers on Metro vented discs, EBC Green Stuff pads.
Rear, Standard drums at the moment, will get minifins when wallet allows.
Wheels are from MWS and are Minilight Mk2 5.5 x 13�
Tyres are 175/50 x 13 Yokohama A539s, these give an obscene amount of grip.
Front and rear shock absorbers: KONI Classic Sport adjustables, currently set at minimum all round. Hi-Lo’s fitted front and rear.
Adjustable bottom arms fitted set to 0Ëš, as is the tracking,
Adjustable front tie bars fitted and set to 2.5� castor.

If anyone has any suggestions as to further upgrades, I’m keen to hear them. Somebody mentioned fitting a throttle body from an early Rover 820… More info?

Remapable ECU maybe?

Anyway what is your HP now? Sprocket did mention that the standard ECU can coup until 90hp.

#23 Git


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Posted 26 March 2008 - 08:57 PM

Hi, not sure what the HP is at the mo, if you look at the 'Injection problems' thread, you'll see that I'm having a bit of bother with Git, I can't rev over 2500.
I've been advised that the fault may lie with the throttle switch, so, when I get it home I'll try and figure out hoe to fix it. I'm not mechanical but 'How hard can it be?????'
Once it's done, I'd love to get it tested on a rolling road, watch this space.....

#24 DaveRob


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Posted 27 March 2008 - 06:36 AM

ReMappable ECU is prob the hardest way to HP. Yes Sprocket has done more testing and ECU investigation than anyone here and all praise to him..... I belive he got to the 100BHP with a standard COOPER ECU .....BUT and its a BIG BUT....... I understand that the engine runs lean enough to cause damage at this level of tune and their are many more mods to be carried out before you can run a sensible 100BHP on an SPi...... With Sprockets help Ive started collecting my components for a 100BHP rebuild.... I hope to get started at the begin of April, (as long as Kath allows me time in the garage lol). Ill do some posts when it gets going, but be assured without Sprockets help I wouldnt be doing more than a stage conversion for more than another +15HP. I will post the complete spec ONLY with Sprockets permission as their are bits in their that are due GREAT CREDIT and I wont steal another mans research.... also I dont know if he is useing his work on this for racing. If I recieve a PM from Sprocket Ill post the build with photos and details...... without permission Ill post the build with photos and somewhat less details.... Im sure everyone understands that you cant take credit for someone elses hard work. So far the parts alone for just the engine rebuild, bought new, have come to over a thousand..... Thats without any machining and I havnt bought my exhaust yet...lol


Edited by DaveRob, 27 March 2008 - 06:39 AM.

#25 Sprocket


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Posted 27 March 2008 - 07:00 PM

Dave, by all means you can expand on the tuning principles of SPi and how to get the big numbers. I have been mad mad busy in the last few weeks on the build of the new engine, hence not getting time on here to explain, it takes a lot of time to reply some times. I will also post up some pictures of the new build soon, but i have added a teaser, needless to say i wont be using the SPi manifold :o :P

#26 DaveRob


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Posted 28 March 2008 - 06:59 AM

Cool looking rebuild mate............... but your gonna get loads of questions about pushrods now, nevermind the amount your gonna get about cooling...... LMAO by the way did you do your own drydeck or buy one in...... I wus wondering who supplied the gallery plugs?


Edited by DaveRob, 28 March 2008 - 07:03 AM.

#27 retrocooper


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Posted 07 November 2008 - 09:24 PM

Hi im tuning my spi cooper at the mo and just found this thread.
i want to retain the injection system for reliability as i use it every day, ive got an MG metro lump which im rebuilding so i can keep my mini on the road until the engine is ready to go in
what are the mechanical differences between the MG lump and the SPi engine? i know about the crank sensor and the clutch is slightly different but anything else?

#28 zap


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Posted 18 November 2008 - 06:19 PM

Hi i am having a mg metro gear box being rebuilt and is there any changes i need to do when i put on my spi engine.



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Posted 16 March 2010 - 09:04 PM


If you can find a nice early Rover 820 in a scrap yard they an a SPi system on them they had a much bigger throttle body but in my opinion i would dump the injection system.

You get about an 8hp gain by not using the injection and putting an 1 3/4 on it.

#30 mattw92


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Posted 20 May 2011 - 09:28 AM

What im wondering is there an induction kit for the 1996 SPI 1.3?

could some one place a link to one if so? plus twin spark plugs and leads?

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