just shove it in the dishwasher!!
My dishwasher is a 6 foot tall with long hair & a silly beard. I can't find an aperture big enough to shove it in......
Mini sized drive in dishwasher
Why has no one thought of it before? 
Get to it, Mr Eff.

I feel a patent application coming on....
I would say that was two steps forward and only one back... disappointing, I know, but cleaning icky stuff away is good!
Tis true, Miss PG, tis true. I haven't actually got round to it yet. I think I may do it in front of the telly one night this week.
Icky... pumpy gas... parpy parp... this is one of the few technical threads I've been able to understand on this forum, so I'm bookmarking it. If you end a fettling session with more bits of mini than you started with (i.e. one carb) that's definitely progress, in my experience.
I only use the correct nomenclature as agreed by hexperts. isn't it.
So wheres this picture of you in you shiny new overalls then juju? Oh and is that pic of matilda and tommy at w+p in leatherhead?! i might have to go there soon. check out the cars for sale
Hi James, yes, the pics are taken at W&P. They have quite a few really tidy cars there at the mo, from mk2/3 coopers to mpis. The anthracite W reg coop & the T reg GT ain't for sale, though, mmkay?