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1275gt Restoration

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#121 Juju


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Posted 23 March 2008 - 01:13 PM

Fuel tank is in! Sender & fuel line all connected up!! :thumbsup:
I won't be able to play with him 'til next weekend. :D

But, next saturday morning, he'll have a new battery, I'l bolt the driver's seat back in, bung a few quids' worth of mini-juice in him & get him started to go for a pootle with no MOT or insurance to see if he's burning any oil & check his brakes & suspenders........ :lol:

Then, if all's well, I'll start taking him apart again for his surgery: new floor, patched inner arches, new rear valance & new front panel.......'spensive, 'spensive.... =]

#122 Juju


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Posted 29 March 2008 - 02:02 PM

This morning:

1. New battery.
2. 4 litres of fresh-mini-juice chugged into new tank.

No start. :P

3. a few mls of juice straight into carb.

Tommy lives! :wub: Then dies again. :P

4. few more mls of mini-juice in carb.
5. pumpy gas.

Engine dies. :thumbsup: :ermm:

Fuel pump?
Blocked line?

6. pull fuel feed line from carb.
7. turn engine over.
8. pumpy gas.

Tommy pees mini juice all over his engine.

Nowt wrong with fuel pump. Blockage must be somewhere is carb.

9. Ask Uncle Mike for help & with a bit of bloody-mindedness, he gets engine going.

Horrid stink, loads of smoke & PARPY-PARP-PARP-POP from carb. :thumbsup: Juju gets scared & stands well back. :- Carb full of icky. :thumbsup:

So, carb is now sitting on kitchen floor waiting to be dismantled & de-ickified, and we don't go for a pootle.

One step forward two steps back.

#123 miniboo


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Posted 29 March 2008 - 02:45 PM

just shove it in the dishwasher!!

#124 Ethel


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Posted 29 March 2008 - 02:52 PM

Mini sized drive in dishwasher :thumbsup:

Why has no one thought of it before? :-

#125 pixiegem


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Posted 29 March 2008 - 04:17 PM

I would say that was two steps forward and only one back... disappointing, I know, but cleaning icky stuff away is good!

#126 Teapot


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Posted 29 March 2008 - 04:26 PM

Icky... pumpy gas... parpy parp... this is one of the few technical threads I've been able to understand on this forum, so I'm bookmarking it. If you end a fettling session with more bits of mini than you started with (i.e. one carb) that's definitely progress, in my experience.

#127 James182


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Posted 29 March 2008 - 05:09 PM

So wheres this picture of you in you shiny new overalls then juju? Oh and is that pic of matilda and tommy at w+p in leatherhead?! i might have to go there soon. check out the cars for sale :-


#128 Juju


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 07:53 AM

just shove it in the dishwasher!!

My dishwasher is a 6 foot tall with long hair & a silly beard. I can't find an aperture big enough to shove it in...... :dontgetit:

Mini sized drive in dishwasher :wub:

Why has no one thought of it before? ;)

Get to it, Mr Eff. :errr: I feel a patent application coming on....

I would say that was two steps forward and only one back... disappointing, I know, but cleaning icky stuff away is good!

Tis true, Miss PG, tis true. I haven't actually got round to it yet. I think I may do it in front of the telly one night this week. :sneaky:

Icky... pumpy gas... parpy parp... this is one of the few technical threads I've been able to understand on this forum, so I'm bookmarking it. If you end a fettling session with more bits of mini than you started with (i.e. one carb) that's definitely progress, in my experience.

I only use the correct nomenclature as agreed by hexperts. isn't it. :errr:

So wheres this picture of you in you shiny new overalls then juju? Oh and is that pic of matilda and tommy at w+p in leatherhead?! i might have to go there soon. check out the cars for sale :)


Hi James, yes, the pics are taken at W&P. They have quite a few really tidy cars there at the mo, from mk2/3 coopers to mpis. The anthracite W reg coop & the T reg GT ain't for sale, though, mmkay? :ermm:

#129 Juju


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Posted 05 April 2008 - 02:13 PM

Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :thumbsup: :blink: :dontgetit: :wub: :rolleyes: :cry: :cry:

I can't get him started. :cry:

I stripped the carb right down: opend the float chamber, removed the jet assembly & dashpot and cleaned eerything to which I could get access. I followed the route that the fuel & air takes through the whole system & scraped & scrubbed all the scunge out.

The only bit I couldn't get really clean is the pipe that leads from the base of the jet to the base of the float chamber. :cry:

I reassemble the whole lot with a new seal on the float chamber, then fitted it back into Tommy & connected the cables back up. It was almost a shame to refit a shiny carburettor to such a manky engine. :mrcool:

He still turns over lovel-lovely, but I just can't get him to fire. I had to leave it there because W&P were closing & we'd just managed to destroy the line leading from the fuel pump to the carb in the attempt to diagnose the problem.

No brrm-brrms for us today. :cry:

I came home to console myself by feasting on the hugest portobella mushroom in the world with some cheeky goat cheese.

#130 Ethel


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Posted 05 April 2008 - 02:45 PM

Pipe cleaners :thumbsup:, or buy a new jet. If you can blow air through it, it should at least start. My guess is the float chamber breather is bunged up, have a look at the lid from the inside for an ickle hole.

#131 sazal


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Posted 05 April 2008 - 02:53 PM

Wowwie Juju! Ive not seen this thread before! Hes wubly :blink: Im sure matilda will make friends with him sooner or later, onces she stops being so stubborn, we had the same problem when we got another cat! :dontgetit:

Hope you get him started soon! When are you next going to work on him? :thumbsup:

#132 Juju


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Posted 05 April 2008 - 02:58 PM

Pipe cleaners :dontgetit: , or buy a new jet. If you can blow air through it, it should at least start. My guess is the float chamber breather is bunged up, have a look at the lid from the inside for an ickle hole.

A hole in the float chamber lid? Me no see such a thing....... :thumbsup:
That's my first port-of-call on monday evening then. Ta Eff. :blink:

Wowwie Juju! Ive not seen this thread before! Hes wubly :rolleyes: Im sure matilda will make friends with him sooner or later, onces she stops being so stubborn, we had the same problem when we got another cat! :cry:

Hope you get him started soon! When are you next going to work on him? :wub:

Cheers Sazal! I can only work on him for about 5 hours a week now. Monday evenings after work & Saturday mornings. It's going to be a slooooooooow project. :mrcool:

#133 Jupitus


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Posted 05 April 2008 - 03:09 PM

If you want to, I could refurb the carb for free - get the kit from Burlen and then send it and carb to me, if you want :D

Tommy's lurvly :errr:

#134 Juju


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Posted 05 April 2008 - 06:13 PM

If you want to, I could refurb the carb for free - get the kit from Burlen and then send it and carb to me, if you want :errr:

Thanks, but no thanks, Jup. I wiiiiiiiiiiill sort it. :techsupport:

Tommy's lurvly :techsupport:

Ta. I agree. But he's a pest. :D

#135 Ethel


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Posted 05 April 2008 - 06:37 PM

A hole in the float chamber lid? Me no see such a thing....... :D
That's my first port-of-call on monday evening then. Ta Eff. :errr:

I'm not 1200% sure what revision of HS would be on a 79gt if the float lid has 2 pipes the one that isn't connected to the fuel line is the vent, if there's only one pipe the vent is hiding behind a little steel cover plate on the sticky up bit the fuel line goes in to. I guess you've checked and adjusted the float valve?

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