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1275gt Restoration

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#91 Juju


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 01:08 PM

Juju.... I must have had my head stuck somewhere recently.... as I had totally missed this thread!! :thumbsup:

I hope it's unstuck now, otherwise you'll get a crick in yer neck. :ermm:

Tommy is going to be so gorgeous,

He's already gorgeous!!!..........in a crumbly orange kind-of-way..... :dontgetit:

us laydeees do a better job anyway *runs away before Simon sees*....... hehehehe :P

I fink you're probably right, but I don't want to speak too soon..... :teehee:

#92 Ethel


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 02:13 PM

:thumbsup: For bringing your little man back to life!

I've been bringing my little man back to life too :teehee:
Best not post any piccies tho'.

It'd be worth replacing his brake juice if it's been in there since Wham split up - suck the old stuff out the reservoir 'n it'll be less of a chore pumping fresh in to the lines. Get that clutch cylinder sat so you can give the piston some major pastying with a big 'ammer 'n it'll probably surrender.

#93 pixiegem


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 02:19 PM

I've been bringing my little man back to life too :teehee:
Best not post any piccies tho'.

:thumbsup: You've left me speechless with that!!!

#94 Juju


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 02:20 PM

:teehee: For bringing your little man back to life!

I've been bringing my little man back to life too :dontgetit:
Best not post any piccies tho'.

Best PM or email them to me? :thumbsup:

It'd be worth replacing his brake juice if it's been in there since Wham split up - suck the old stuff out the reservoir 'n it'll be less of a chore pumping fresh in to the lines. Get that clutch cylinder sat so you can give the piston some major pastying with a big 'ammer 'n it'll probably surrender.

OKies. :P I hear you about the brake juice, but I didn't understand the clutch instruction? :cry: Do what now? :ermm: You mean take it oot & get mediaeval on its a*rse? :thumbsup:

#95 *Raz*


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 02:31 PM

Blimey Juju, you have been a busy bee!!

Tommy is looking hot already, he will look even better after you have finished with him!

I love him, Tommy is a hot likkle devil!! :thumbsup:

I want a project like this!!!

Yum yum xx

#96 Ethel


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 02:42 PM

I do, it won't want to come out, but with a bit of luck it's still shiney 'n slippy on the far side of the piston seal. sit it so you can get a socket extension bar on the piston, booty removed, and smack it back down the bore. You'll then be able to clean the bore of the cylinder and pump the piston back up. You should even manage it in the car if you put a stout chunk of wood under the other end to stop you knocking lumps off the flywheel housing.

#97 Juju


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 02:54 PM

I do, it won't want to come out, but with a bit of luck it's still shiney 'n slippy on the far side of the piston seal. sit it so you can get a socket extension bar on the piston, booty removed, and smack it back down the bore. You'll then be able to clean the bore of the cylinder and pump the piston back up. You should even manage it in the car if you put a stout chunk of wood under the other end to stop you knocking lumps off the flywheel housing.

The rubber booty bit on the O/S end of the cylinder has perished and come away & I can see rusty bits in the bore. You still think it may be worth attacking? :thumbsup:

#98 Juju


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 02:56 PM

Blimey Juju, you have been a busy bee!!

Tommy is looking hot already, he will look even better after you have finished with him!

I love him, Tommy is a hot likkle devil!! :teehee:

I want a project like this!!!

Yum yum xx

Fank you, Razling!! Go find yerself a project, then....hang on, isn't Monty classed as a project? :thumbsup:

#99 Ethel


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 03:01 PM

You've got 2 choices, might save you the best part of £20.
Rust usually looks far worse than it is on cast iron, think of all those Agas.

Edited by Ethel, 15 March 2008 - 03:03 PM.

#100 Juju


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 03:04 PM

You've got 2 choices, might save you the best part of £20.


On the other hand, £20 might save me several futile hours of painful, high-impact blows accompanied by inappropriate verbal atrocities. :thumbsup:

#101 Ethel


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 03:10 PM

There are some of us would would consider £20 for that kind of activity a bargain

:thumbsup: :teehee: - ('special interest' smilie combination)

#102 Juju


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 03:16 PM

Eff, you have brought more than just a smile to my lips! :thumbsup:

#103 Bean


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 03:23 PM

(A word of advice to the small-handed people of the miniverse...if you're going to take a car apart to rebuild it, make sure it's a nice new car, with nicely greased up nuts & bolts. My little lily-whites are red, raw & scabby from trying to get Tommy's rusted bits undone :cry: :P . )

I know exactly what you mean! :thumbsup: Been there, too - and it flippin' hurts :teehee:

Tommys looking ace! :ermm: Nice work!!! :dontgetit:

#104 Juju


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 06:20 PM

Tommys looking ace! :teehee: Nice work!!! :thumbsup:

Cheers Hun! I have a lot to thank the boys at W&P for. They're being more than helpful & are basically going out of their way to take the p*ss coach me :P I just hope I don't outstay my welcome. :dontgetit:

#105 Juju


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Posted 18 March 2008 - 02:26 PM

After much bloodshed & cursing, I think *crosses scabby fingers & holds plasters on with other hand* that Tommy now has a working clutch. :lol:
I cannabilised an old engine for its slave cylinder & spent the best part of two hours trying to get the old one off. >_< >:D
It's now off, as is a lot of the skin on my right wrist :thumbsup: , and I have got the "new" one on. Bled the juice & bubbles out and the clutch pedal actually feels like a clutch now........... :ohno:

The fuel tank I was going to steal is b*ggered. :thumbsup:

Need to find another............

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