How he looked yesterday morning:

Rear subframe front bolts. What a state. >

and the other side.....

Managed to get the front bolts off with just a bit of sweat & blood.

The rear ones were b*stards, though.

It was one of those humiliating moments when I had to admit that my left arm was just not strong enough to get the leverage in that position & had to ask a man for help. >

After a good scrape with a screwdriver I'm still not through to the metal on the rear subbie.

And it's a bit papery in places. New one required.

Need a new rad too. It got a bit bashed on its journey out of the engine bay.

And this is what he looks like now.

I've hit the depressing stage. Every time I go work on him it's knackering, I hurt myself and I leave him looking worse than before. There's so much left to do. It's made all the more depressing when you get characters like this grinning at you from across the yard...
Edited by Juju, 27 July 2008 - 12:15 PM.