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Elemental Designs?

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#61 Collin


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Posted 16 March 2008 - 08:31 AM

What size is the hole on the MPi rear shelf? THe eD subs need 6 inch cutouts.

If the hole is too small then you could always get/make a packing ring from MDF to raise the speakers up a little.

#62 redhotmini


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Posted 16 March 2008 - 06:14 PM

my 6 1/2 inch rainbow components fit in the holes nicely. i think its bacause of the bigger magnets on the eD subs which mean theyre a bit of a squeeze.

#63 Danny_California


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Posted 25 March 2008 - 09:31 PM

Just went to fit mine today, and I cant get the bloody things in!! The magnets are too big, and the terminals stick out even further. They would go in if i could get the window out, but that aint gonna happen. Anyone else tried dropping them in yet? Although its probably the same for everyone.
Think the only way of getting them in without damaging anything would be to take them apart and reassemble them in place. ie unscrew the magnets.

#64 redhotmini


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Posted 26 March 2008 - 06:58 PM

i was going to put them in the rear shelf, but i had the same problem as you danny. they probably would fit if you made the hole in the rear shelf larger, then you might be able to squeeze them in without removing the rear screen. removing the back seat cushoin helps, and while its out you might as well slap some sound deadening on the panels. what i did instead was fit them under the rear seat, they sound pretty good, im not running them at their full potential yet.

#65 THedooBZ


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Posted 26 March 2008 - 07:05 PM

i have started to install mine,, im putting them under the rear bench like redhot mini,( you had any problems getting the enclosure sealed???.. there is a pic on my project page..
i was going to put them in the shelf but decided a subwoofer in the parcel shelf isnt the best idea as the boot is far from sealed and could possibly end up sounding poor in comparsion to a properly sized and sealed enclousure. the rear bench makes for a perfect place as it can be sealed if needed. post up some pics if you manage to get em fitted.

Edited by THedooBZ, 26 March 2008 - 07:06 PM.

#66 redhotmini


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Posted 26 March 2008 - 07:09 PM

ive sort of sealed it up, but it could be much better. i'll get round to sorting it out properly when i have the time. still, it does sound good. i'll try and get some pics up soon

#67 Danny_California


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Posted 26 March 2008 - 10:57 PM

redhotmini, have you actually got them in the back shelf? I would really love to know how, pics would be great. Yeah I was gonna take the back seat off, but the sound deadening is going up underneath the subs themselves, under the carpeted bit. Noticed another problem today aswell, the passenger side, above the petrol tank, there is no where near enough clearance for the magnet! The standards give about 2" clearance max, and the eD mags are mahoosive in comparasin. MDF ring under the sub to raise it up a little is my only idea for that, but then theres even less clearance under the window, which already wont go in!! :D :) :D

#68 THedooBZ


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Posted 27 March 2008 - 08:36 AM

redhotmini, have you actually got them in the back shelf?

i think u misunderstood,, he tried to fit them in the rearshelf but couldnt so opted for under the rear bench like myself..

on the otherhand iv had a play with mine and think it would be possible if you placed them slighty closer together?? as for clearance on the petrol tank an mdf ring would work however im unsure on how you would fit the sub as its tight against the window as it stands,, move it up half an inch and i think u will be stuck,
is there no way you would consider under the bench method??? i fibreglassed mine in last night and so should be able to connect some juice to it today to see how it sounds, also need to get a load of wadding from somewhere so i think ill just get some cheap pillows and rip them apart.

also the hole diameter i used was 5 and 3/4 inch,, this allowed the sub to drop styraight in and the terminals to clear aswell. get some photos!!! :dontgetit:

#69 Danny_California


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Posted 29 March 2008 - 04:21 PM

Oh right i see lol. Got the amps in this week, and the comps are all in waiting to be tweeked. Stripped the rear of the car out and managed to squeeze a magnet through, just to test the gap, and with a bit of a struggle and after un screwing the terminals, I think they'll just about fit. As for tank clearance, its not as bad as i expected, the magnet doesnt really go far down enough, and since the bolt configurations on the standard speakers are different I'll have to make an mdf spacer up anyway, I dont see that as a problem. Cant find my bloody router though, so im stuck with two mdf discs without the middles cut out lol. Should be done this week now, i'll let you guys know how I get on.

#70 redhotmini


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Posted 29 March 2008 - 04:55 PM

sounds like a good plan. ideally i wanted mine in the rear shelf, but i didnt want to cut any panels about too much, so just stuffed them under the backseat. not ideal, as theres no grills to protect them. i'll make something up so that they are completely hidden soon.

#71 THedooBZ


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Posted 29 March 2008 - 07:15 PM

mine are hidden,, iv put the carpet over them, but i put spacers beside the subs so the carpet does not interfere with the cone.. my project page is here


pictures are on the last page i think..
i dont have anyone in the back as you cant physically get in due to my seats being so far back as i like my legroom so not having grills isnt a problem, granted if passengers are in the rear you would want some sort of grill on them.

#72 Danny_California


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Posted 01 April 2008 - 09:47 AM

Managed to squeeze a sub through the back shelf yesterday :( Used a bit of oil, some jiggling and different angles, and one popped right into place. Only thing is, the cutout isnt big enough for the whole speaker, just after the terminals under the lip, theres a bulge that wont go through the hole. Not a big deal, now I've made a 12mm mdf shelf to lift everything up and to have something to bolt the subs into. My biggest problem now though, is that the terminals dont fit through to the boot, so I might have to chop them off and relocate them somewhere else in the car. Not looking forward to that, and its gonna be a last ditch attempt! I'll try and take some pictures of my progress today.

#73 Danny_California


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Posted 07 April 2008 - 06:26 PM

Disaster!! I think my VC's have fried, the speakers wont make any noise now, apart from really crappy sound, and thats very intermittent :thumbsup: Gonna send them back and get another pair, hopefully i'll be more lucky! Really cant understand it though, the coils usually burn out when the subs are underpowered right? And theres no chance of over or under powering, since the amp I'm using took me ages to spec up, and is perfect for the subs. Also the two of them are dead, and one of them was never even plugged into the amp :confused:

#74 redhotmini


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Posted 07 April 2008 - 06:59 PM

check the terminals aren't shorting out on any other metalwork and that they are wired correctly. mine seem fine, got a few problems with the amp though, keeps going into thermal protection mode after 10 minutes, unless i have the window open and drive at 60mph!

#75 Danny_California


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Posted 08 April 2008 - 08:44 AM

I have moved the terminals myself, I put longer screws in and spacers so that they sit right up as far as they can, because they would have been shorting on the body otherwise. I'll undo what I did and try them again, but I've not got much hope since I know they arent causing any problems where they are now. Also the chap in Sextons swansea reckoned the same as me.

As for your thermal meltdown, I suggest cooling fans. You can pick them really cheap on ebay, ones designed for pc cases work well. Something to look into!

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