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Cracked Spark Plugs!

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#1 mini93


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Posted 15 January 2008 - 12:37 AM

yesterday i went for a drive to my friends to pick up some headphones and rally car was fine...this morning was misfiering alot....like 3 cylinder all the way to coventry and back

anyway at lunch i go take a peek at them, cylinder 1 the plug was completly fouled with oil and not fiering at all, like take the lead off and running the same.
cylinder 2 the ceramic around had cracked and chiped...i hadnt even touched it so why the duce has it cracked for no reason...the other plugs are in nice condition and have a great colour to them...even the 2nd looked ok if not a lil oily on the outside edge

are they just the wrong plugs? iv got a different set in there now, the 4 electrode ones (had them in my 1st mini, only just put them in before it killed itself) and its runnin sweat as a nut now if not better than before

#2 Dan


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Posted 15 January 2008 - 01:09 AM

Could be you were just unlucky and got a bad plug. Could be the took a knock at some time. Could be they are overheating. Could be none of those.

#3 The Matt

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Posted 15 January 2008 - 07:24 AM

Is it always on cylinders 1 and 2 David?

Could it be that the Weber's running lean on that side? Perhaps the idle mixture adjustment needs sorting out? Carb needs balancing or something? Dunno to be honest.

#4 *DJH*


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Posted 15 January 2008 - 08:32 AM

as dan says, it could be a bad plug, or it's been knocked.

i've cracked a few spark plugs whilst undoing them before, where they've been screwed in too tight. you know when you push and push and push then all of a sudden it cracks loose, well when the sparkplug socket jerks to one side that's when it happens.

#5 mini93


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Posted 15 January 2008 - 05:55 PM

i never over tighten plugs, and plus the last people who did them up were southam mini and metro centre...they did it tighter than i usualy do but not beyond what they should be

the 1st time was missing on number 1 and 4 cylinder...so i guess that rules out the weber balancing to 1&2 Cyl.

i think im just going to persume i got sh*te plugs twice, the 1st lot were ones the mini came with and i just got the same ones the 2nd time round...this lot i know are definatly for a mini and so should be correct heat range *should* being the main point

#6 taffy1967



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Posted 15 January 2008 - 07:32 PM

What plugs are they?

I've only used NGK spark plugs for years and I've not had a days trouble from them.

#7 mini93


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Posted 15 January 2008 - 07:43 PM

they were NGK copper core ones, like i said not sure if they were the right ones tho, it all fit up correctly electrodes gap etc, ran fine every day till yesterday and pop missfiring away

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