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#91 lewis


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Posted 03 July 2008 - 12:28 AM

yay, its all apart now the fanbelt pully bolt was a complete pain in the arse!!!! and then the timing chain bolt was annoying also but got there in the end...so hey ho!

yes hate those bolts too!

so what power was it running originally? and what you after once its back together?

#92 mini93


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Posted 03 July 2008 - 05:01 PM

er, i cant remember, i think it abou 90 at the wheels? who knows lol

im putting my 286 deg scatter cam in there instead of the standard 286, maybe release an extra 1/2 Hp lol aparently it just helps more with way the engine runs n shizz so if it doesnt release more Hp but gives more torque in the right place its all guuuuuurd!

gona start compiling gaskets, parts etc this weekend at gaydon

#93 mini93


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Posted 29 July 2008 - 04:24 PM

pretty scabby looking here!!!
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so just gave it quick paint, need to do another coat...its only with hammerite but doesnt relly need anything special as such so just boshed on some white
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muchos better :( no news on engine yet, i believe the engine is all done except the need for a new flywheel and gearbox O_O

#94 mini93


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Posted 29 August 2008 - 02:40 PM

Update Time

bottom end is done, IE all machiening work etc to the block crank have been done, new bearings throughout and piston rings
unfortunatly, like i said the flywheels done for so iv splashed out on a new ultra light steel jobbie and new steel back plate

got my gearbox taken to southam mini and metro centre now, before i took it to them i, myself knocked out the layshaft from the casing...which was never the truer phrase of pain in the gash. Turns out the person who built my gearbox is a complete utter idiot.
On the layshaft there spost to be 2 needle roller bearings, exelent good design n stuff and good rolling rate etc etc...how ever, brass bushs...not to grear especialy as they can catch and scieze into the shaft its rotating around....so what kinda person replaces a bearing with a brass bush?? who knows but someone did.
As a result this is the kinda situation which arises, the copper bush is scized on the layshaft and the laygear is rotating around it, rather than the other way round which it should be, it the proves a pain to remove the layshaft from the casing because to direction your trying to knock it means the copper bush is butting up against a lip inside of the laygear...this is what happens to the shaft

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remember what i was saying about resistance and friction and how brass simply doesnt cut it? more so when its rotating in the wrong place which is turn makes heat and..

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turns my lay gead blue!!! seriously hot >_< especialy with the cooling effect of the oil
problem being is that because its a jack knight dogbox they have changed laygear dimensions and so the usual needle rollers done fit in the smaller end. What they have done is to use a needle roller from a triumph but being jackknight wont divulge so they can sell the same bearing for more
luckily the other end is still same internal diameter and we can see the wonderfully designed needle roller :thumbsup:

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so whats needed to rebuild this box? well, new bearings throughout for various reasons and new layshaft. I also require a new differential and final drive so i have opted for a x-pin diff' and a 3.64 FD rather than the 3.77 which i had before (the pinion had teeth chipped from it and so i required a new one)

Iv bought new straight cut drop gears, southam are also checking the thrusts on there and doing them correctly ;) good of them :P
new crank, new transfer housing from alex cross...also nice of him :P

so as long as JackKnight stop twiddling there thumbs are get them to southam pronto will be back together soon. Southam say early next week but i think there being a little amditious going by JK standards ;)

if uv stuck with me ^_^ Well done i felt like rambling :P

#95 Jackman


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Posted 30 August 2008 - 08:44 PM

Why dont you get a triumph bearing? Im sure you could measure one then ring a shop asking for a bearing the right size.

#96 mini93


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Posted 30 August 2008 - 08:48 PM

something to consider if JK still sit around contemplating next week

#97 who_loves_the_mini?


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Posted 31 August 2008 - 04:02 PM

Are Jack Knight still producing all mini gearboxes and parts or only a select few?

#98 mini93


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Posted 31 August 2008 - 07:37 PM

there still in buissiness if thats what your asking?

#99 nicksuth


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Posted 31 August 2008 - 07:49 PM

Are Jack Knight still producing all mini gearboxes and parts or only a select few?

They are now based down in Camberley, Surrey. I think the son (David Knight) runs the business.

Edited by nicksuth, 31 August 2008 - 07:51 PM.

#100 mini93


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Posted 15 September 2008 - 10:50 AM

not long till i get this back :D should be some time this week, southam have seeked and recived the missing bearing now so just time for them to rebuild the gearbox (not something i wanted to do with risking over a grand's worth of gearbox)
so later this week ill have everything done and time to rebuild the whole lot.

started fitting my sumgaurd other day too, didnt have correct bolts though :P so just abandoned that, tidied up the front end a little as it looked a bit dented on the lip, hammer on trim, looks better...just >_<

need to buy some metal so i can fit my sump gaurd extension, need to figure that out :o no bolt holes, ill figure something, already have an idea...just might need to find a friend with a vice to shape metal

#101 mini93


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Posted 10 January 2009 - 08:26 PM

yeaaaaah i didnt update this progress....in short, i assembled, i fitted, cranking i got 80psi oil pressure, upon starting the engine for 1st time it dropped oil pressure so i proptly shut off the engine so not to damage it, over x-mas bread from uni i pulled the engine out again, found the problem was due to the drive from the cam to oil pump was snapped...pished me reet off really!
anyway, new oil pump on exchange, rebuilt, fitted bla bla....come to start it, it doesnt want to play ball really...low behind my volvo tweeking the dizzy in positions as we try each time, and fires up...sounds freeking awesome, drove it down the road...even better...still needs setting up badly though...how ever i dont want to have to drag it behind my volvo everytime it comes to starting it haha so...plans i have came up with

1. Aquire a new dash, like the ones stiggy used to/still does (not sure if he does) this dash will then be made to fit around my rollcage, will use original 3 clock set up or possibly acewell dash. The dash will also be flock coated

2. Aquire a 2nd hand loom, because the amount of bodgery thats gone on with this loom in the past im having to bloody hot wire it everytime im trying to start it, hard time to check my gauges which is something i need to do on this bloody car
the loome: needs to be a 3 clock type. Switch's needed are: lights, hazzard and rear demist, also rear fog if it has it. Needs to be pre-engaged solonoid type, oil pressure switch, water temp sender, alternator, electronic distibutor
i believe at the moment i only need front loom but this is to be confirmed after i check the rear 1/2 and the joins (which is to be presumed bodged lol)
loom plans: once i have the loom i will modifying it, im going to be running blade fuses internaly on display on my dash, it will also allow quick identification of problems. I will also have to add wires for my extra switch's which run in my car eg fuel pump and intercom which will be added soon

aaanyway...basicly it all needs to be done before L2B, not a problem you say...but only thing being away at uni, time to do it is a pain so will see!! good thing being is minispares is right near uni :( so i might well be going there few times should i remember i require something

#102 mini93


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 09:55 AM

didnt stick to that one lol i was going to carry out this work withing getting it on the road yet but became too tempting

well, i got it on the road. Rhyd helped me with a bit of wiring issue, now works on key...lol
insured, MOTed and taxed im legal and driving woo

agreed to buy a stiggy made FG dash, for when i re-work things
will also be looking for a loom at bingly

then i rather simple *ahem* case of putting those 2 into my min min...will have to see how simple i made it sound

#103 mini93


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Posted 28 January 2009 - 09:06 PM

i really forget to keep this undated.... :P well last friday went to the rolling road at southam n have tracking set also...

i have tracking set up 1st n go on a road test, handles pretty freeking sweeet now!
so go drive into the RR, pretty good, but theres a problem...the gap between piston rings and bore iis too great, well in any case...its giving positive pressure to the crank case :cry: smoking...alot ALOT ALOT!!! sooo hmm it needs re-boring and fitting with new pitsons....soo yeah...pretty realllllly annoyed as i couldnt afford to buy dash n wiring loom :lol:
oh well though

so yeah, today i went to mini spares n bought myself some pistons, there the 73mm ones they are doing now with 10cc dish
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obviously other 2 are in the box still
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also hastings piston rings
also bought myself a longer throttle cable as i didnt like how it angled previously

car i have still to fetch from southam as it wasnt safe to drive (was smoking so much it would all burn off i think...plus was choking interior)
then, engine out AGAIN, strip down, machining required after that only the block that needs doing as all bearings etc etc were new hmm less than 100 miles ago (no mile counter) obviously will be checked before hand...then rebuilding time again....joy!
hopefully wont take too long...i hope

#104 gregh55


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Posted 28 January 2009 - 09:16 PM

looking good :cry:

#105 alexcrosse


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Posted 29 January 2009 - 01:20 PM

you got a rocker cover breather?

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