Bank holiday monday I got what I wanted done, I got most of the jobs I wanted done, wiped off the list.
Again a lot of it was small patches, dressing of welds, etc
When I pulled apart the shell, and certainly after I got it blasted I noticed how poor the welds were on the roll cage. I know its been ok previously (when it was rolled in its previous life as a rally car) but I still wasnt particually happy to leave it as it was. Especially as I had good access to most of the welds since I have everything off the shell (roof, doors, access from the back etc)
I grownd down the joining welds as far back as I dared. Turned the voltage up to allow heat into the tube and the wire feed so I could build the fillet back up sufficiently.

Its probably the neatest one I managed on the re-weld, but I sufficiently happy now to use the cage.
I have the Turbo box flushed into the bulkhead now, It was a bit unfinished previously, ready for the aluminium bulkhead to be made and fitted.
I also went back over the rear arches. finishing off the joins for the arch tubs and also the arch to boot floor joins. all dressed back.
I still have some dressing to do on the shell, on the inside, inner wings. A lovely bit obscured by roll cage triangulation to the footwell. I still have to seam weld the shell on the toe board aswell, so I will do this at the same time.
Still planning out the Aluminium panels, I have bought sheets of aluminium now so I can charge on and get it started.
I bought myself a new toy aswell, a swager (bead roller) to form the swage lines on the panels. Hopefully I wont see a lot of reasonating when the panels are swaged (plus it looks cool)
Oh, and I jumped into the garage for a quick hour after work and started picking holes in my own work (oh no! you may cry!!)

Drilled some holes in the under window panel thingy bob...Its not a lot of weight save in the scheme of things, but it looks rad! so yay!
Riv-run this weekend, but I have Tuesday and Wednesday off work next week so hopefully make the most of the time off and have 2 (almost) full days working on the shell. Hoping the aluminium and the swager show up before then and as long as I have the jobs erased from the white board I can get started filling in some more gaps in the shell.