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#616 Baldspeed Racing

Baldspeed Racing

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Posted 02 October 2013 - 06:45 AM

Looking good chap and fair play

#617 mini93


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Posted 02 October 2013 - 06:58 PM



Like I say, it still needs a little work and I still need to do the same again on the N/s. Heres to hoping the weekends dry.

#618 kcchan


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Posted 02 October 2013 - 07:52 PM

Very nice. Nice touches like that certainly make a build. Makes me think of Owens Motorsport

#619 mini93


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Posted 02 October 2013 - 09:25 PM

Its where i got the idea from. Them and other miglia pictures, although they probably have propperly shrunk folded over lips, with all I got in my garage, slit and weld was my best option here.

#620 mini93


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Posted 06 October 2013 - 05:51 PM

I had a good solid 6 hours on the shell today, which is good for me as im usualy reet lazy!


Earlier in the week I managed just to dress the welds on the o/s inner wing.




I really like working with new clean metal. makes welding so much easier.



A before picture (better quality than the earlier pic)



And the dressed n/s inner wing.


Today, I set about attacking the n/s. It initially looked good, really I was only going at it because I knew the o/s was sketchy and was unsure if the n/s would be the same. Plus it would match the side I had already done.


I didnt take many pictures of the chopping **** out, because its the same as the otherside eh!


When I started cutting away I could see signs of rust, so really, its a good thing I chopped it all out.



The finished n/s inner wing. Swanky



Reformed the bottom lip and carefully seam welded along the edge.

I also repeated this on the o/s as its the bit I hadnt finished



Shell looks much better with the inner wings finished. Rather happy with it.



Another angle.


Thats the mass of the welding to the front end finished... I think.


Hopefully this week I'll dress the remaining welds and spin the car around to set on finishing the rear of the shell. Getting closer n closer!



#621 Artful Dodger

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Posted 07 October 2013 - 08:22 AM

Very smart front end! Will look awsome under some paint!

Going for an awsome deep miglia style bulkhead box?

#622 phil hill

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Posted 07 October 2013 - 01:35 PM

Those welds look an F-sight better than the ones you cut out !!  


Nice work.



#623 mini93


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Posted 07 October 2013 - 05:56 PM

Cheers Phil, Dodger...


Yeah, It had a mig bulkhead before. Really it wasnt very deep and in relitivly heavy steel, the new one will be made from Aluminium sheet with swaged lines to stop it making all kindsa horrible noises. Now I know how far back my dash board will sit (although I may go for a different type this time) I can make is much deeper to house more crap!!


I had just a short while after work before it got dark to whip the shell out the garage, have a much needed tidy up, sweep the floor and spin it round. Not quite the post work de-stress I would have liked but I dont think the neighbours would be too kind after the 6 hours yesterday.



Sat waiting for me to go get more cutting disks. I wish I had kept a tally of how many I have used in the rebuild.

#624 mini93


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 07:28 PM

So, iv had more noise complaints from neighbours.. woop-de-f'ing-doo.

"similar complaint made in january 2010, and it has been alleged that the nuisence has continued" blah blah blah, neighbours are apparently keeping a diary of my work so now I'll have to do the same in order that they dont B.S


So yeah... that sucks. But I still got work done so up theirs eh!


I've done a bit recently though. Doesnt seem a lot but its ackward shape to make up.



Added the fillet session. Its not very wide, just enough to rivit the aluminium boot floor into when i get round to it

As I say, doesnt look like much but its another thing off the list.




The holes all shaped up now (more or less anyway!)

I also patched a few niggly little bits on the remainder of the rear bench. Its all ready for when I get round to putting the aluminium into the shell.

Edited by mini93, 20 October 2013 - 07:29 PM.

#625 Matt1293


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 09:33 PM

Great work on this mate. What are your plans for the rear bulkhead?

#626 mini93


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:19 PM

Thanks... and it depends if I get banned from working on my car hu... (more noise complaints, this time by email... The council ladys appearing to side with the complainent too... so... woo!)


If I however get round to it, I will 1st of all put in a simple flat boor floor with swage lines running front to rear.

The fire wall will probably be in 2 or 3 pieces depending oh whats easier/lighter.

It'll be a simple flat fire wall with a horizontal section at the top to meet the body in a similar place to the original.

Most difficult bit will be getting round the rollcage. I will need to make fillet pieces to rivet in place... going to be super ackward im sure


Going to be a hell of a load of CAD (cardboard aided design)

#627 Matt1293


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 08:45 PM

Haha, sounds like a plan! What are your plans for it once it's done? More rallying?

#628 kcchan


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 09:32 PM

Shame about the neighbours. I guess the garage isn't the ideal situation. I don't have a garage but at least I have forgiving neighbours

#629 mini93


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 10:07 PM

Ah nope, not going to be rallied. It'll be my toy/ track thing. Wont fit into any racing classes so i'll just be for fun.


In an Ideal word no, I wouldnt be working in my garage. I would much prefer to have bags of space either side of the car but alas, I dont.

Im coming upto the end of the body work as it happens but they seem to have stepped up their hatred on my work and I bet even if i stepped outside for 5 mins I would get an email straight to my mailbox.


I'll slug on...

#630 rally515


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 10:16 PM

Could you not do all the welding and what not as normal but leave all the grinding a other noisey stuff for in the future ? might be a long shot but just a thought, bleeding neighbours......pain in the rear :mmkay:

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