Ex-Rally Car
Posted 15 February 2008 - 03:11 PM
Posted 16 February 2008 - 06:15 PM
Posted 16 February 2008 - 06:59 PM
Posted 16 February 2008 - 07:16 PM
how ever, i wish this never to occur again....so thinking if this is at all possible (i shall find out!) electronic or external oil pump, also one of the MOCAL oil pressure reservours...basicly it sences if oil pressure is lost in the lines, it will then release its pressureised charge into the system keeping crank etc lubricated, also i believe it re-charges itself on return to normal oil pressure
Posted 16 February 2008 - 07:22 PM
if you're whipping the engine out completley, you might aswell change the pump too, unless you've already thought of that

Posted 16 February 2008 - 08:05 PM
friday night home from work early go pick up window name stickers....joy upon joys! spent my name wrong, "O'Rouke"

my co-driver picks me up to run some errends, had brand spankers Yoko A032R's fitted(they had to be heated up to fit lol) and the off southam to pick up my rally car. it was there having the correct rear diagonal welded in place. was exelent...again i recomend southam mini and metro centre(contact me for te;. number)
Now...we were hoping to be at rockingham for 6pm however fried having trouble with his 205 we managed to change his rear beam in a couple or house, bleed the brakes fix the clutch....we then desperatly needed fule so went out for a meal to a place near home (we were going to find a place near rockingham to eat but time ment it was 9pm and would be very late when we got there) so we left home town about 10pm...now we had mis-read final instructions which in the end ment gate are closed after 10pm so we camped out side the main gate, me and colin(my co-driver) in his focus and chris and kev in a tent.
come the morning i still hadnt got my seats fitted correctly, diagonal ment i had to bring co-drivers seat slighly forward to stop it fouling but before that i had to pain the rollcage were the new bar was still uncoated. after much faffing we were off the sound testing and scruitenearing...soundtest passed with 90DB at 3.5K revs and scruiteneering passed...there good guys just gotta talk to them ya know....i was extatic it had passed 1st time.
after scruteneering was signing on, got door numbers applies and swapped over for the new set of tyres, final check of stuff proved we were ready to leave.
Into time controle at 9.30 exactly, earlier and later gain penelty. after queing in "perc fermme" and being informed of oil spill at hazard 11 i pull upto start line it count down in 30 seconds....was the quickest 30 seconds ever! and i was away...spin spin spin, bog-down but i was off non-the-less, take route of the carefully selected course selected with colin shouting directions tia route diagram (single venue means no detailed pace notes) everything was interpritated from a diagram pointing out key points, upto co-driver to mark with highlighers of merges and splits and cauction marks. problem with both colin and myself being novice is we didnt talk thru the course quite right meaning on the split for 2nd route ment i took the wrong direction. this inturn ment i took a stage maximum, thats a time of 16-minuets. Now durin the 1st stage i noticed that the crankcase was breating an incredible amount, i could see a stream of the smoke pouring from the bonnet corners...collected 2nd time card and got out due time and we were off to service area
back at services check the oil level, showing was just on low, to a top up later was good to go...by now tyres were really working a treat being supersoft compound they were like glue! picking up every tiny stone i passed over...love them!
upto SS2 start controle again on time. start over exelent, go through way better than before albeit engine crankcase breathing heavy still. better yet pass the merge with no problems! little slow thru the tight section gate but fair enough i didnt do it 1st time round and i was spost to be taking it easy(SS1 was very rushed trying to do everything at once)
All was well untill i was about 3/4 way thru stage 2 when i saw out the corner of my eye that my oil pressure ligh had flickered, quick glance over at the oil pressure gauge showed that oil pressure was nigh on 0PSI, i run thru 3 more corners to ensure i was in a safe place to stop, quick rise in oil pressure thru a hairpin left and i killed the engine an rolled to a stop, get out pull the OK/SOS board off and display the "OK" indicating myself or Col' were no injured hazzard triagle displayed we stroll away from the vehicle to sit down till last car had finished stage.
that was end of the rally being unable to complete the stage
after stage stopped cranked the engine over showed 40psi of pressure, when recovery came, we drove behind them for about 0.5 miles while oil pressure slowly dropped eventualy requiering me to knock off the power again, another car was already being towed back to services so i was hokked upto there towing eye

Services again check things out, after much convers it was deemed that the oil pump had killed itself, when oil was slighly cooler and thus thicker it was fine, oil pressure up a wee bit higher to about 40 cool and 60-70 when stone cold
considered doing the trophe rally which entitles you to start again at stage 5 for a 2nd parter consisting of 4 more stages run along side the normal rally. decided not worth it incase more engine damage done, another of our friends had put a conrod thru the block on his cosworth YB powered escort Mk2, the gudgion pin was still in the little end....not only that put it had twisted 90deg too :S
and so THAT is why i need to rebuild the engine and why im rather annoyed...also like to point out it is the BEST thing iv ever done...EVER so dont think this will put me off
got home by limping it about a mile to a petrol station and calling brakedown

sorry its long....but i just dont care lol
Posted 16 February 2008 - 08:18 PM
Posted 16 February 2008 - 08:20 PM

Posted 16 February 2008 - 08:30 PM
Posted 16 February 2008 - 08:35 PM
Posted 16 February 2008 - 08:40 PM

Posted 16 February 2008 - 08:53 PM

Posted 16 February 2008 - 09:12 PM
Posted 16 February 2008 - 09:14 PM

Posted 16 February 2008 - 09:17 PM
yeah why not, i'm still in two minds to get a kit car againmay aswell make use of my insurance policy eh!!! how ever i cnt help but think my premium wont lower as much next year...never mind might be sick of it and have a 205 by then lol

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