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Ex-Rally Car

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#571 domdee


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 10:46 AM

Love the build!

especially the sill stands!

#572 mini93


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 05:56 PM

Cheers matey


Shells ready for me to crack onto now.


Of course not wanting to damage the new sills I used some old rollcage padding i had kicking about, threw them around the new sill seams and got my friend to give me a hand rocking it over



Just to a before picture. Got a bit of smartening to do on the floor aswell, few pin holes iv yet to re-weld aswell, seems a little bent where the cross member used to be, will see it I can give it a bit of a BOSH!

#573 Baldspeed Racing

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 07:20 PM

DAAAAAYUM not seen this thread for ages but shes defo come on so much. fair play for saving the shell and putting so much time in to her

#574 mini93


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 07:42 PM

haha cheers, it didnt even cross my mind when I 1st started this section of the build there would be so much to do to the shell.

A simple rear end overhaul turned into new rear 1/4's then a shot blasting that turned into new rear turrets then boot floor and removal of a load of jazz.


Looking back its probably not the best use of money, but i havent got anything better to spend it on...yet (I say as iv recently been looking at potential future project cars)

#575 Baldspeed Racing

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 07:57 PM

meh keep at it chap, im trying to sort mine out but its getting the time and I need to stop spending money on my dub and bikes :)

#576 Archived4


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 07:58 PM

Epic car! I have a spare shell I want to rally prep for road rallying, tempted to do the similar to you. Eager for updates :D

#577 mini93


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 08:10 PM

I think the only way to get enthusiasm to work on a car when things start to get stale is spending money on it :lol: so just chip away where you can, soon find those jobs getting ticket off.

This offside should take less time than the near side did, should everything go well. I have everything at hand this time around. I wont be nipping off the main bulk of work to weld sections of rollcage fully...sooo could even be that by the end of the bank holiday weekend, most of the side is done.


I said a few weeks ago works about to blow up and be super busy but things have held off as yet (meaning there will be even more work to do compressed into a smaller amount of time) so this will halt the work on the shell as and when.


and thanks Smiler, its a way off from the rally car it used to be though, in the end its more just going to be a toy that I can use how i like (dont like being restrained by regulations haha) will do some track days most likely too

#578 mini93


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 05:08 PM

Got a few more hours on the car today, had a bit of a lazy day and only went to the garage at circa 2:30.


Had a few signs telling me I shouldnt have bothered though, 1 bit scary point, cut through my gloves with a 1mm disk into the end of my left index finger.


Its only cut through my nail and a wee bit of flesh, so just sat down for a while, plastered myself up, re-gloved and lopped the rest of the sill off.



Bit of a messy job in places, plenty of old spot welds to weld back up where i chissled them off (couldnt be bothered to drill them out)


Doubt ill get much done tomorrow, tis my B'day but i'll still be doing something car related along the way if i can wake up!


#579 mini93


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Posted 27 May 2013 - 08:43 AM

Picked up a new cylinder head yesterday




28.5cc's MED head... so thats the start to the engine build

#580 CobraV8


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Posted 27 May 2013 - 09:55 AM

I have an MED engine, and it pulls like a train. Good starting point! What size are you gunning for? I'm at 1410 and have no regrets, awesome power everywhere.

#581 mini93


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Posted 27 May 2013 - 10:05 AM

Its one of their forced induction heads so thats where all the power will come from (that and the massive honking turbo haha)

That in mind I wont need to go too large over bore so ill probably just go the tried and tested 1293. throw some forged pistons and SC H beams and get the crank worked over at my local place, southam mini metro centre. not decided on a cam yet.

It'll be placed on top of the JKD dog box and SC drops. but ill swap out the x-pin diff for a Tran-x design LSD.

Thinking about ditching the pre-verto ultralight flywheel/greyspring plate in favour of the RTS style clutch arrangment, give the crank thrusts some hope of surviving and give myself a comfortable clutch to use.


I likely wont be doing much engine wise for the moment at least till my body work requires a trial fit of an engine, this head came up 2nd hand at a reasonable price so thought i would hold onto it for a while till i need it.

#582 Artful Dodger

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Posted 27 May 2013 - 10:33 AM

looking more solid every time i have a look at this thread!  love it bud!



nice slice, that could have been messy O_O  ;D

#583 mini93


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Posted 27 May 2013 - 03:51 PM

Cheers, yeah im chipping away at it slowly... Saying that, i should have worked on the car today, but just ddint bother...

#584 mini93


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Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:39 PM

Got a few more hours done today.

I didnt really take any before or during pictures.

Now that i have the o/s sill off I had a look at the heel board mounts and as I thought, they have previously been drilled and tapped and while the original captive nuts are chunky lil beasts and capable of being drilled and tapped, they didnt seem to be tapped very well, as though the wrong sized drill bit was used and the peaks of the threads werent there. That and my mini spares alloy beam has the original sized holes for the 5/16th bolts.


So thinking of the best way to tackle it, I had previously bought the repair panel from mini spares. its a bit of a sh*t repair pannel to be honest, Id have rather got the genuine one now! but to use what i have will do fine.

The full length of the panel isnt required luckily, and i dont require the top section that joins to the arch/bench area so wanting to only repair the smallest area I can get away with I chopped the original heelboard back past where the inner sill mounts, should give me a good area to join and ensure a strong joint.


Thats as far as I have got with the heel board for today.

I spent most of my time patching holes etc in the inner sill. mostly created by my brutist hand whilst chissling off unwanted strengthening panels.

And best of all... I didnt mangle my hand this week!


Above showing the mostly patched up inner sill with a bit of primer thrown on.


Next on the list will be either removing the door post/inner wing or sorting the heel board. (or both depending on what time i feel bothered about working on it tomorrow)

#585 mini93


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Posted 02 June 2013 - 06:40 PM

Had quite a good day working on the car today, took a bit longer than I anticipated so i didnt get chance to move onto the heelboard.

I didnt even completly finish the inner wing... so pictures rather than the essay I wrote last time.



The inner wing to start with, quite a mismash of various holes, not to mention the scuttle gusset being holier and more fragile than the pope.





With that chopped out I was able to access the un-welded sections of the footwell triangulation.

The welds werent the neatest so I didnt bother taking a picture :P but its all secure so that what matters.



Some fannying about later, including the fettling, positioning of the new panel and painting the inside of the door post I was able to offer up the panel.



I spent more time welding up the new panel this time as when i welded the near side I got a little bit of a warp.



I also had to patch the floor under the roll cage foot, was a bit holy also.



So thats where I got to, today. I've not had chance to grind down the welds as it was getting a bit late for a Sunday.


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