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Ex-Rally Car

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#271 mini93


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Posted 06 September 2010 - 07:08 PM

Im sure the 106 im planning on building in the future wont be "competitive" as such, only because the amount of cars in the 1600 class, but it will feel more sturdy n such.

Its nice to know other people think it looks better too :P would be annoyed if i looked back after everything i had done and i wasnt happy with it. Think i would be just as annoyed if i couldnt do things i wanted to do with the car just because of regulations, ie replacing certain pannels with fibreglass...alot of stuff i guess would fall into regulation but would never consider doing those to a car that, height of the car, width etc :P well maybe mini wise i prefer something more track-ish but rallying is for sure my main like!

And thanks for the scan when you can get it, should be interesting :thumbsup:

#272 mini93


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Posted 07 September 2010 - 02:45 PM

rain again :( did get a little bit done before it started though.

Made the brackets for the bonnet pins, not too pretty looking but hey ho im going to shape them a bit when the pins are in and i know what matterial is just excess

also made brackets for the oil cooler

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and through the lower grille

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also bought a heater tap from DSN

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Doh :) lol ah well ill turn it the other way round and have the heater pipe in front of the rocker cover, not a big deal the old one was verticle and the pipe just stuck out anywhere it fancied, at least i can route it now

#273 mini93


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Posted 10 September 2010 - 07:44 PM

not far off now.
Got my flywheel back from southam, and now its all fitted back in the engine bay and cars back on 4 wheels which is good :lol:

also working on my internal shifter, need to remember tho, measure twice drill once :thumbsup: haha
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the shaft for the shifter is nice soft metal, easy to drill through, the UJ is super tough, bluntened my haggard drill bits, still tho got there in the end, Its actualy bolted into the car right now but it started raining, i got fed up and couldnt be bothered to do anymore work today lol so no more pics.

Also sorted some of my wiring out for the starter motor change and the lengthening the wiring, should be done tomorrow which is good :blink:

also need to bleed the front brakes tho and then ill be all ready for stanford on sunday

Edited by mini93, 10 September 2010 - 07:48 PM.

#274 mini93


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Posted 12 September 2010 - 11:23 AM

propper update later but had a sudden burst of excitment as yesterday they engine started, the starter motor change and engine rebuild means it turns over really smoothly, starts very quickly too.

Had a bit of an issue with the oil filter tho, brand spanking new champion filter and upon screwing it on, tightening it up, start the car, builds oil pressure and drops suddenly, the threads on the filter stripped off, filter dropped off and it pumped over 2 litres of my valvoline oil onto the drive!!...raced to halfords i bought another new one, spun it on and it was fine...the old filters deffinatly going back and being complained about, rediculas! might try get compensation for my wasted oil, got me very angry

#275 mini93


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Posted 13 September 2010 - 10:28 PM

gave up with the internal shifter idea...bloody thing, maybe in the future or something but bloody thing wasnt working, the shaft had too much movement in the wrong direction and made it difficult to select gears, felt like the shaft wasnt rotating enough to select the desired gear, if it were a quick shift the amount of movement i had would have been idea but it left no feed back to which gear i was in, wouldnt know if i were in 1's or 3rd.
The reason i wanted it was so i would have clearance for a custom exhaust in the future i have planned. didnt even think of it at the time but my tunnel has been widened in the past for what ever reason, in this extra space ill run the exaust tucked up nice and high it wont even clash with the shifter
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you can see where its wider on the drivers side, excuse the haggard welding, its still secture tho :dontgetit:

anyway, i faffed around with that for way too long on sunday anyway but working til 9.30 at night with hint of hang over i still managed to get the car "finished" including remembering just before having my 1st drive i needed to bleed the brakes, got that all done and i went for a quick drive including going to pump my tyres up which appear to have a slow leak :D doh

There was a few bits n bobs i needed to finish off. This morning i re-set the tappets as theres a clicking noise. Also noticed theres a wurring noise and unsure where thats coming from, the rear O/S brake was making all kinda dodgy noises, had a look where that noise was coming from today, removed the rear drum and no signs of wear or damage, odd, refitted the wheel and noise had stopped...odder but hey ho not going to complain :xxx: unless it retuns with a vengence lol
also this morning i got myself a new-free accelerator cable :P from a bike shop my friend works in, custom length and now it doesnt have tight turns it actuates much more smoothly which is good.

just few pics now...because i want to ;)
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One of my nightbours mighty minis next to it aswell lol

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the ol' engine bay shot, all finished but the bonnet pin plates need tidying, shaping and painting still.

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and my friends rally car behind it, his buisness promo tool for temple rally sport...tis a very nice car really makes my car feel so old fashoned haha even more so when the mini was along side his dad's week old 06 plate Jag XF :wub:

Edited by mini93, 13 September 2010 - 10:29 PM.

#276 mini93


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Posted 14 September 2010 - 02:58 PM

got couple of videos now
VVV click vvv
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^^^ click ^^^

#277 liirge


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Posted 14 September 2010 - 10:49 PM

Very nice, that sound is addictive!

#278 george91


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Posted 14 September 2010 - 10:58 PM

love it, sounds brilliant.

#279 mini93


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Posted 15 September 2010 - 12:16 AM

thanks guys, yeah it is very addictive, the edited video had to be shortened down as at around 10 mins i doubt many people would be bothered to watch the whole of it...was difficult to decide which points to edit out because the noise ;D i still stand by the gearbox is my favie bit of the car...if that was to break not sure what id do :-



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Posted 15 September 2010 - 12:35 AM

Love It Mate :- A mini is all about the noise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#281 george91


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Posted 15 September 2010 - 09:31 AM

It does sound amazing, i've inquired about getting a jkd dog box built, what are they like to use? not really used anything more than a helical syncro box. should be fun. :-

#282 mini93


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Posted 15 September 2010 - 02:19 PM

you getting a new one built? wasnt sure they still made them, its why getting bits is diffuclt...as it is the quaife box is actualy better, has fewer dog teeth so less clash but the JKD is an involute kit which means something but i cant remember :thumbsup:

there not that difficult to use, you just have to remember to blip the throttle when down shifting overwise the gears wont have matched speeds and they will clash and grind

#283 mike.


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Posted 15 September 2010 - 04:20 PM

That does sound nice. Love the weber induction noise.

Gears ratios seem pretty close aswell, what final drive have you got?

#284 mini93


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Posted 15 September 2010 - 04:25 PM

got a 3.7 diff in there, from 3rd to 4th there seems to be a 500rpm drop...not exactly a great cruser :thumbsup:

#285 mini93


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Posted 15 September 2010 - 11:03 PM

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urgh.... clutchless

driving to the mini meet tonight the clutch started playing up, pedal seemed stuck down, then stayed stuck in the up position, gave it a bit of a wiggled and then noticed that the transmission housing was snapped!

great fun

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you can see the flywheel just about too!

drove it home all clutchless too, gotta love dogbox's but it was a pain when it came to red lights, junctions etc

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