The cars great only one or two problems at the moment (other than getting used to the dogbox) last wednesday i came to start the mini and was misfiering/ weak spark quite badly. i was planning to take it to southam mini and metro centre to investigate a rattling noise (which is aparently how straightcut gears sound lol) but that problem got overlooked when i bearly made it there. Turns out Cyl. 1 and 4 were fouled with oil giving weak/no spark
rod there said it might possibly be cylinder head so i did a bit of intesigating on saturday, took the Cyl. head off then and didnt apear to be any signs of blowing, to make sure i took it to southam they said was all good.
They said then that the cause could possibly be because the carb' is overfueling a fair amount it could be bore washing disallowing the rings to seal correctly (new engine) there for the allowing oil into the combustion process and onto the plugs etc
i decided while the head was off id clean it up, because oil was entering the cylinder it had passed to the ports leaving it 'orrible n sticky

inlet ports were clean but shows some of the porting that its had

so tonight it was ready to go back on..i did however notice the hone marks werent thaaaat great

Hone marks.


Head fitted.

All back together....well almost my torque wrench wasnt high enough so still need to be fully torqued down (pinched up tight at the mo) after that iv got to make sure coolent hoses are connected correctly, connect accel' cable check tappets and run up to temperature. once thats done redo the torque, fill with coolent and bleed the air from the system.
then thursday night or at latest saturday going for a rolling road session ready for malven on the sunday