Full-size Mini Trailer/double Bed.
Posted 03 April 2008 - 05:28 PM
got mine back on the road now and running well its changed quite a bit since you last saw it..
GOOD LUCK with the rest of the project and may see you at a show very soon..going to lincoln big mini day on the 20th and then looking for some more
Posted 05 April 2008 - 07:16 PM

I'm trying to keep my nose within 75 - 85kg tolerance "Mini Dan Man" by putting a fair bit of weight in boot area - battery, tinted blue glass back window, metal boot lid (not using my f/glass one now!!) etc.
Hi Daryl - thanx for "the thanx" - hope to see you soon mate.

Anyways back to "the biz" - been busy bee today, covered nearly 300miles collecting goodies below - whoopee more bitz to play with

Getting dark now, so tomorrow, its on with burnt, holey, smelly, oily clothes and leaping into action - me.

Almost forgot - BIG thank you to Dave @ TDK racing - terrific guy, thanx for all your help.

Edited by dekz2uk, 05 April 2008 - 07:18 PM.
Posted 09 April 2008 - 07:53 PM

Filling holes in flipperfront ready for plazzy priming - been removing paint from shell (what a larf!!!) - will the paint come off? Only when it wants to!!!

Drastic measures called for - going the chemical route - "I'm gonna make you strip!!!!!!"

Posted 12 April 2008 - 07:20 PM

Anyhowz did manage to finish off underside of flipper with primer & topcoats - even if its not flipping, it still needs protecting.

Also lined up f/glass doors - they're so wikid.

Had a go at paint removing off the "new" roof - chemical method is pants!! Tried using "dont use this as hairdryer folkz" paint stripper blower thingy - it didn't even bubble surface of paint, just softened it a bit.
Used UBER paint remover - poly carbide abrasive disc - AWESOME!!!!

Enough for today, got the ironing to do - life's a B176h sometimes init.

Posted 13 April 2008 - 08:06 PM
He brought over some goodies for me including - see picky!

Its a 100kg spring balance scales - just what I need to measure the tow-hook weight.

Trying to decide what hinges to use on doors as I really want doors to either open wider or possibly gull-wing wise - need to get better access inside for display panels (screen for BH2NRetro).
Will report back soon.

Posted 13 April 2008 - 08:27 PM
Posted 13 April 2008 - 08:43 PM
Posted 14 April 2008 - 07:43 PM

Posted 17 April 2008 - 07:47 PM

Now I can take off old paint in style and without damaging the metalwork underneath.
Booked off 1 weeks holiday, middle of may, to slap some paint on the trailer - we're on our way.

Posted 18 April 2008 - 07:44 PM
if delivery is too much pm me and i can pick items up for you and get them sent from work (FREE POSTAGE) LOL

have fun with the project...gotta go do my car now ready for sundays show
speak soon
Posted 18 April 2008 - 10:10 PM

Cant wait to see it finished
Posted 19 April 2008 - 08:27 PM
Been busy all day on other bitz but after using some old clapped out, too weak, diddy piano hinges and finding that in theory 'We're on to something here!!!' I've ordered some decent piano hingeeez off fleebay. 38mm open x 375mm long - da bizness

Also been puzzling over how to replace roof with new uber smooth, no dinkz jobbie.

Figured it out -

Tomorrow morning is "C" day and pixies will be posted - watch this space.

ps Thanx for the offer Daryl - I'll bear that in mind mate.
Edited by dekz2uk, 19 April 2008 - 08:39 PM.
Posted 19 April 2008 - 09:23 PM
Tomorrow morning is "C" day and pixies will be posted - watch this space.
do you mean the TMF pixies ?

Posted 20 April 2008 - 12:53 PM

So there I was munching me sugar puffs this morning, going over in my mind how I'm going to cut "the roofs", when I thought about any possible 'if only or what ifs!'
A light bulb appeared above my head

Wouldn't it be easier to remove paint from "new" roof while its mobile instead of climbing all over the car & possibly making a poo of it - YES! So I loaded pollycarbo disc into angle grinch and gave it some!!




Der Vunderwheel worked, 1st picky after 12mins, 2nd picky 1/2hour and 3rd picky 3/4hour - yeah!

Hands feel like they're still vibrating @ xxxx rpm so I'll take a break - have some quality time with wiffy and I'll be back.

Posted 20 April 2008 - 03:47 PM

Nice work!
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