I'm sure you've thought of this,... but are those trailer arms held on with HT bolts etc?... they look like normal ones.
Love the project dude, great stuff! loving 'de shack' too!
due to the fact that the bolts wont be doing any load bearing as such they dont need to be HT bolts so the ones he has wi do retro
as for the project looks good so far.
a couple of pointers from my trailer.
1 i notice your a frame is straight i had mine like this originally but i then had to modify it so it was angled, check my bbq trailer thread for more design idea's , i had to do this because when t was being towed the front end was up to high and it wasnt sitting as flush as i wanted it to
2 when you mount your jockey wheel ensure that when the wheel is fully up it is above the base of chassis or the wheel will rub mine now has less rubber on one side all the way around for this reason, also dont have the leg down at all when driving you can damage the trailer and maybe the towing mini
3 id go for the battery in the rear, after the axle this will help with load balance and reduce the weight that the rear of the towing mini needs to compensate for in its rear axle
the wiring of the trailer should be easy enough. if this is going to be the only trailer you are going to tow then you can wire up the trailer plug anyway you want, ensurign the lead from the trailer is wired up the same way.
what year is the towing trailer? you might need to do some rewiring of the flasher unit, one probem i have with mine is when i connect the trailer the indicators flash 10 to the dozen and you can hardley see them, so i will need to wire up a newer flasher relay that is designed for a car that can tow a trailer
i have a few wiring theories in my head but i will wire somethingnup in work first to see how it will work and what i have to do to modify my mini's wiring
just a few things which i hope will help you with this project and i will keep an eye on it. hope you have it ready for BH2N