looooking great Alan...may i ask what sort of equipment your are bringing with you??
if you want to keep it all secret send me PM.
Your nuts!! still aint we all??
Hi matey,
what equipment???? Thatz a bit personal ain't it!!!!!

The usual gear you like - Rabbits, vibes, blowups & puncture repair kit -hehehehhehhehhehehhehhheee!!!!

Seriously pop-pickers - I'll have 4 x 250watt bins (speakers), 1250 watt amp, 16 channel mixer, DMX controller (for programming lites), 4 head laser, 4 colour Gem Quad LED lightshow, Fogger, Bubble machine, Twin CD players, 4.2GHZ Pentium computer full of soundz & stuff + 3metre high gantry + cd's.
Not a lot really but enough to blow away any opposition - BH2NRetro - Bigger, Better, LOUDER!!!!!!