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Xenon/hid Lights - The Law

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#1 Jammy


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Posted 19 September 2007 - 08:50 PM

The following is a link to a factsheet on the Department of Transport's website about the legalities of Xenon/HID lights: Linky.

It basically says that Xenon/HID lights are legal providiing that they meet the standards that new cars with HID/Xenon lights meet:

Therefore a HID headlamp unit sold in the after market should:

1. be type approved to ECE Regulation 98 as a component.

2. when fitted to the vehicle should enable ECE Regulation 48 to be complied with (although no government inspection will take place).

3. Comply with RVLR as far as "use" is concerned.

In practice this means:

1. The headlamp unit (outer lens, reflector, bulb) shall be type approved to ECE 98 and be "e-marked" to demonstrate this. That can only be done by the headlamp supplier - Hella, Valeo etc. who must test the headlamp in an independent laboratory.

2. Once fitted to the vehicle it must have headlamp cleaning and self-levelling (which can be for the headlamp or can be in the vehicle suspension - some expensive estate cars have "self-levelling suspension" and that is adequate). Also the dipped beam must stay on with the main beam.

3. The headlamp must be maintained in good working order, kept clean, and aligned/adjusted correctly like any other headlamp.

Also note that it says the HID/Xenon conversion kits are not legal.

#2 insamoufonyx


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Posted 02 October 2007 - 03:56 PM

just read this about 5 times, it says at the start "It basically says that Xenon/HID lights are legal providiing that they meet the standards that new cars with HID/Xenon lights meet"

and at the end "Also note that it says the HID/Xenon conversion kits are not legal."

mixxed messages, is it legal or not?


#3 Jammy


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Posted 02 October 2007 - 09:23 PM

I was kinda hoping people would read through the webpage linked to rather than just what I wrote. On the webpage it states that the kits that convert existing headlampl units to use a Xenon/HID bulb are not legal. However, if brand new Xenon/HID headlamp units are used that meet the above requirements then this is legal.

#4 Doodle


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Posted 17 November 2007 - 10:31 PM

I was kinda hoping people would read through the webpage linked to rather than just what I wrote. On the webpage it states that the kits that convert existing headlampl units to use a Xenon/HID bulb are not legal. However, if brand new Xenon/HID headlamp units are used that meet the above requirements then this is legal.

i know this is an old topic, but i searched and couldnt find any further developments on this anywhere else, and i was thinking about improving the lighting on my car

its looks very much to me as that DFT's website is saying it is illegal to convert halogen lamp housings to run HID equipment, it doesnt say that you cannont use HID lamps only that you cannot convert old halogen lamps to xenon, therefore it is ok to buy Xenon/HID lamp units that are new desgins and that meet the necessary safety standards...as there is no breach of any law

wether or not you can actually buy them anywhere is a different matter

#5 Jammy


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Posted 17 November 2007 - 10:52 PM

Yep, thats how I understand it as well Doodle.

#6 Doodle


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Posted 17 November 2007 - 11:17 PM

Yep, thats how I understand it as well Doodle.

excellent, is anyone manfacturing any HID units for the mini at the moment?

#7 Jammy


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Posted 18 November 2007 - 10:48 AM

Not specifically for the mini, well, not that I'm aware of. Hella do some HID lights you could try to retro fit, but I doubt they would look standard!

#8 lew


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Posted 18 November 2007 - 11:00 AM

i have xenon lights on my fiesta , by law you hav to have headlight washers also like it says above diped beam must stay on with high beam

there good lights tho

#9 Guess-Works.com


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Posted 18 November 2007 - 11:13 AM

You can get H4 conversions, but as Jammy indicates the use on the road is questionable.....

#10 dmdangermouse


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Posted 24 June 2008 - 11:11 AM

Off topic but...has anyone fitted angle eyes?
Im quite new to the scene and Im thinking of getting a pair,
but just want to check that they are legal and will pass an MoT!!


#11 [email protected]

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 11:14 AM

Only if they are e-marked, which most of them are not. Check with whoever you are lookign to buy them from and ask, as without an e-mark thay are illegal for road use. Sellers state "not for road use" in their small print

Edited by [email protected], 24 June 2008 - 11:15 AM.

#12 CharlieBrown


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Posted 24 June 2008 - 11:19 AM

I have angle eyes on my mini and they passed the MOT.

#13 Sleepy Stu

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 11:31 AM

I have angle eyes on my mini and they passed the MOT.

Oooo dont let Dan see that comment :(

As he has stated millions of times before just because they passed the MOT does not mean they are legal!

#14 Its a mini thing

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 01:46 PM

i bought a HID 8000K kit for my corsa (has projector lights) off HID'S Direct and they are e-marked, mines never had a problem with MOTS, Police, they wouldnt be legal in a mini thou as they dont have projector lights.

#15 Jammy


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Posted 25 June 2008 - 09:36 AM

i bought a HID 8000K kit for my corsa (has projector lights) off HID'S Direct and they are e-marked, mines never had a problem with MOTS, Police, they wouldnt be legal in a mini thou as they dont have projector lights.

Thats not why they are illegal. They are illegal because your not allowed to convert existing lamp units to use HID bulbs, and any HID lamp units must have a self levelling system, and also a washing system.

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