Nissan Micra Engine Transplant
Posted 16 April 2010 - 09:19 PM
Posted 19 April 2010 - 04:57 PM
Posted 23 April 2010 - 01:39 PM
Thought some of you might be interested in this. They are off a Honda cbr 600. They are meant to be good on cars up to 1600cc. Cost £49 plus post from flea bay seams like a lot of carburetors for the money. You will see on the Pict's that they have a TPS. So might be able to use the ecu for ignition . If not I will convert to distributor.
Attached Files
Edited by harespeed, 23 April 2010 - 01:40 PM.
Posted 23 April 2010 - 06:17 PM
Posted 24 April 2010 - 01:15 AM

Posted 24 April 2010 - 07:16 AM
Bigchief thank you for starting all of this 2-3 years ago.
It strikes me that the micra engine is an excellent replacement engine for the mini A series which with minor tuning (exhaust and inlets) can give reliable horsepower plus in the days of rising petrol cost (daily) good mpg as well. I have spent hundreds on my 998 (stage 3 head, 1.5 rockers, new alternator, lcb, recond SU, recon electronic dizzy, polished inlet, etc) which if I can go down this route will all be sold to fund the project.
The think the thing that is putting me off slightly at this time is the inlet manifold side of things, however I am watching and speaking to a number of ebay scrappies concerning a sutiable low mileage engine and gearbox plus since harespeeds recent posts bike intakes and all seem reasonably priced compared to the route of looking to up the A series engine to 100bhp.
However perhaps like some mini owners out there who have owned and own the car love of their lives this is a leap of faith which is a little daunting.
Can I ask a question or two to you good guys -
1. I presume a late 90's micra engine comes with an electronic distributor and to use a bike fuel injected inlet you need a standard micra distributor ?
2. Usine a standard carb with the engine transplant requires cutting of the bulkhead which may or may not cause structural issues and issues with the DVLA ?
3. Will anyone out there with a lathe and the know how for payment be able to cut and sleeve my drive shafts ?
I am in the surveying industry and love my mini so this doesn't come easily but the challenge of the transplant really interests me so I am eager to try it but I know my limitations.
Cheers all for now.
Posted 24 April 2010 - 08:41 AM
Thanks for the positive response. I was thinking about some of the problems I am facing with my carbs. In response to apjmini the Honda cbr 600 (don't know what age they are) uses carbs not fuel injection IE throttle bodies. They actually work very like an SU but yes an old style distributor would work . I am hoping to overcome the ignition problem by running the ecu in open loop by disconnecting the temp sensor. I'm sure one of our more knowledgeable colleagues will shoot this idea down in flames but I think its worth a try. But also apjmini has got me thinking about fuel injecting. Maybe If the open loop route doesn't work it might be possible to weld injector bosses on to the runners, take the slide out the carb and use them as throttle bodies. I know this has been done with Webber's. You could then use the whole standard engine management system. Just a thought what do you think? The carbs clear the bulkhead with no cutting (just!). Anyway welcome to Big chief's thread apjmini. He has been the inspiration for myself and I dare say a lot more people having a go at this conversion.
Edited by harespeed, 24 April 2010 - 08:51 AM.
Posted 24 April 2010 - 02:02 PM
The other option is to connect an SU carb to the engine as a basic quick fix but I assume that raises the issue of the clearance again ?
If this issue can be resolved that would of course solve the problem of clearance and making life a lot easier.
Thanks again.
Posted 25 April 2010 - 09:18 AM
Hi As far as fuel pump is concerned don't know what you are using at the moment but any electrical low pressure pump will do. ,FACET "STD" SOLID STATE PUMPS are good. Fuel pressure should be quite low for the bike carbs I have been told 3-4 psi.Thanks Harespeed, for some reason i had it in my mid that the Honda "carbs" were fuel injected, so without actually buying some, can you confirm to make them fuel the engine you need to add a fuel pump to the standard mini system and connect up the throttle in a suitable way. i am sure I am making this far to simple ?
The other option is to connect an SU carb to the engine as a basic quick fix but I assume that raises the issue of the clearance again ?
If this issue can be resolved that would of course solve the problem of clearance and making life a lot easier.
Thanks again.
Here are a couple of links that you may find help with some of the questions.
Hope this helps Jim
Edited by harespeed, 25 April 2010 - 09:19 AM.
Posted 27 April 2010 - 03:50 PM
Thanks for your advice, I assume that the 1 litre or 1.3 litre Micra engine with fuel injection requires work to the bulkhead.
I am looking at the 1.3 engine which comes with fuel injection and therefore was wondering whether this made life any easier if the fuel injection throttle body did not take up as much room in the engine bay as the carb'ed set-up might.
Apologies if this has been covered in the preceding 32 pages my memory is not what it should be.
Posted 27 April 2010 - 06:47 PM
Megasquirt programmable ecu and throttle bodies to fit all cars and motorbikes, just plug in your laptol and programme away.
Any thoughts ?
Posted 27 April 2010 - 07:24 PM
Just a thought, came across these when googling throttle bodies this afternoon -
Megasquirt programmable ecu and throttle bodies to fit all cars and motorbikes, just plug in your laptol and programme away.
Any thoughts ?
Looks good.
To be honest I think anybody who want to do this conversion should look at all the options and decide what road they personally want to go down.
I plan to use the Mini in some club motor sport with only the occasional road use thats why I am using the carbs. So I am not that bothered by MPH drivability etc. I would not like to suggest to anyone they should do it a certain way. Lets face it my car is not even on the road yet. Flying Banana got a bit of stick a while back for the way he was doing his. I personally think his conversion is excellent and disagree with his critics. As he said to me built it the way you want too. If you have a look at his thread you will see the very professional job he is doing. So best of luck on whatever way you decide to go.
Edited by harespeed, 27 April 2010 - 07:25 PM.
Posted 27 April 2010 - 11:50 PM
this may be easily adapted from the GA15DS (i think u guys have the GA14DS) by turning it on a lathe, dont forget to add the o-ring groove.
i myself have used one from an E15 by shortening and re-keying it.
i say this because if you leave the EFI dizzy on you will not get ignition advance as the ECU uses AFM, TPS and RPM to calculate it.
conversely if keeping the ecu,injectors etc, it may be possible to get it remapped and utilise a MAP sensor and air temp sensor (as used on the toyota 4age 20v) to calculate engine load and generate a complete map.
Posted 28 April 2010 - 05:22 AM
I am beginning to think the bike carbs and all the adaption that comes with them maybe a step too far for me.
Perhaps if one of the main reasons to go carbs as opposed to sticking with fuel injection that comes with the 1 litre and 1.3 litre Micra engine is to avoid cutting the bulkhead then perhaps I should go this route and just drop the donor engine in with the minimum of distruption as Bigchief has done on many occassions earlier in this thread.
I like the idea of fitting bike carbs and yes many of fitted them to various cars in the past but it is the electrical side (distributor/ecu, coile) which is not that familar to me.
I will still keep thinking about it and I hope others keep posting their progress so we can all continue to learn.
I have bought a s/h exhaust manifold to adapt (Rover MG 6 bolt 4 2 1) and I am looking at engines at the moment, I am hankering after a 1.3 K11 engine as there no substitute for cubic inches but I haven't found a suitable one complete with all the ancillaries.
Posted 28 April 2010 - 10:11 AM
thanks mate i do like these bike carbs they do look goodJust a thought, came across these when googling throttle bodies this afternoon -
Megasquirt programmable ecu and throttle bodies to fit all cars and motorbikes, just plug in your laptol and programme away.
Any thoughts ?
Looks good.
To be honest I think anybody who want to do this conversion should look at all the options and decide what road they personally want to go down.
I plan to use the Mini in some club motor sport with only the occasional road use thats why I am using the carbs. So I am not that bothered by MPH drivability etc. I would not like to suggest to anyone they should do it a certain way. Lets face it my car is not even on the road yet. Flying Banana got a bit of stick a while back for the way he was doing his. I personally think his conversion is excellent and disagree with his critics. As he said to me built it the way you want too. If you have a look at his thread you will see the very professional job he is doing. So best of luck on whatever way you decide to go.
mines done with getting spares in mind standard micra spares cheep and plenty of them
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