Hehe.. best thing about it was the noise!! I had a full Blitz on mine, got a vid of me doing donuts in the snow in it :saywhat:I still have a video my mate took of one of my runs up santa pod!! 13.2 secs of awesome scoob soundtrack!! Was my first run ever up the strip so was not going all out didn't even have the antilag switched on
Still sounds super faptastic though!!

R1 engined RWD Mini Minus
Posted 22 February 2005 - 10:03 PM
Posted 22 February 2005 - 10:09 PM
Posted 22 February 2005 - 10:13 PM

Posted 22 February 2005 - 10:20 PM
Yeah I've got the vid on the computer. It's a bit big to send to most people but I can try if you like.oo I've heard about them Nur Specs!
I finally convinced my dad to get a full decat for the scoob, but because it has ppp, the little brass restrictor in the turbo has to be drilled out. All sounds a little dodgy when we haven't got a boost gauge or knocklink etc.. :saywhat:
May just wait until after MOT time now...
Ade- do you video of the scoob on the strip on the computer?
Posted 22 February 2005 - 10:30 PM
Posted 23 February 2005 - 07:37 AM

Posted 23 February 2005 - 09:49 AM
Woody :tongue:Oh dear , i seem to have logged on to www.scooby.net by mistake
Sam you have a 12Mb file heading your way. (i Hope!!)
Posted 23 February 2005 - 10:19 AM
Sorry mate delivery failed exceeds mailbox limit.... :sad:ok mate, my email address is [email protected] (lol I love that email addy :cool: )
Of for my op now so will be back in a couple of days (I hope!!)
Posted 25 February 2005 - 05:58 PM
Really intersted in your project - apart from car having the whole bike engine thing the fact that its a Minus will make it a total world first so hope to see it in a magazine v soon!
Im at uni in edinburgh but my mini is at home in bucks in a large no. of bits in the garage - got it last summer dead cheap and hoping to carry on my project this summer.
Was thinking bout the z cars kit and how you would finish the car off; really want my project to be a hybrid of stripped out racer vs max power ish street car (done properly of course!) and was thinking therefore bout how u might apply this to your car specifically looking at the design of a bulk head.
Mr Frosts silver hyabusa job now with Huddersfield mini spares has nothing - not really practical in any way but certainly not if you wanted any comfort or music up front (this, apart from the fact that when it was in evo the guy testing it got covered in C**p because didnt even have any inner wheel arches!)
Mr Robbie Savage look-a-like has gone for the aluminum encased option (over the top of the engine) on his gulf racing colours honda blackbird engined car. This is bit more like it but just seems a shame that you cant see the engine - it cant exactly be for security reasons because the cars pretty crazy otherwise.
Then theres the red twin R1 engine car which has a conventional aluminium bulk head behind the seats - again you cant see engine that well and this really makes the drivers compartment feel more cramped than ever.
Neway bit long winded but just thought as an idea that you could look into doing a bulk head behind the seats but in perspex or transparent or translucent acrylic. Would need lot of thought and design but nothings impossible and car will be pretty bespoke neway! Would need some sort of metal angle on the floor and at ceiling and may have to be in a few sections to fit it in but would look quality. If it didnt fit round the cage because seats too far back then could do it over the engine.
With the first way you would then be able to put perspex windows in the back to keep the weight down and ease access but keep the glass for comfort upfront allowing some stereo and some motorway use. The other way would still give a bit more of a decent performance as a proper road car. Dont know may be talkin a load of rubbsih but just some thoughts.
Hope u recover soon.
Posted 25 February 2005 - 07:33 PM
I'm home again and very sore! :sad: I'm thinking I won't be a ble to do anything to the minus for some time....
But have already given consideration to what you mention. Z-cars do a bulkhead kit which is an aluminium two piece arrangement that has a top over the engine and then goes to the floor behind the seats. I didn't get this because mine being a Minus I doubted it would fit (i'm sure chris would have made me one to fit but I'm not sure what I want to do yet).
My current ideas are to
a. Make a similar two piece design bulkhead to join to some cold air ducting on either side of the mini. I have some perspex windows so will possibley trim them and make some air intakes in the front quarter of the rear window space.
b. make a straight floor to ceiling bulkhead like the one in the twin engined mini but with a mini pickup rear screen (or something similar) in to keep a feeling of light in the cab.
I've a long way to go before I have to make that decision but it'll almost certainly go down one of those two routes.
Posted 25 February 2005 - 07:48 PM
Posted 25 February 2005 - 07:49 PM
Hope you're feeling chipper again soon mate :cheese: (sorry if that's off thread)I'm home again and very sore!
Posted 25 February 2005 - 09:45 PM
Cheers mate :cool:Hope you're feeling chipper again soon mate :cheese: (sorry if that's off thread)I'm home again and very sore!
Pavel as always I would love it done in carbon fibre but believe it or not I did start this project with the intention of not spending that much cash on it.....

Posted 25 February 2005 - 09:50 PM

Posted 25 February 2005 - 11:15 PM
Ok granted that might not sound too believable but I hadn't originally intended on the project being minus. :tongue:heh.. try telling someone you're building a Rear engined, bike powered original minus... on a budget
But as the opportunity arose it just had to be done.
And as I keep telling myself, it'll be worth it!!
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