And all is GoooooooooD!!!

Car feels very stable not twitchy on bumps or surface changes at all. The general ride is much improved aswell. Not quite as crashy as the last set-up. Although that could have been due to running it very low before. But very confidence inspiring.
So am a very happy camper.
However the Seat Ibiza Cupra R driver might not be.......... Bloomin muppet nearly killed himself rather than let a mini pass!!! I was really barely trying as i was just heading home and he was throwing it around roundabouts like a mad man!! He ended up very close to losing it trying to slow down for some traffic lights and then charged through them on red!!!! Maniac! I just slowed gently to a halt and just thought what a muppet!

Anyhoo just thought I'd let people know that it is one very shiney and worth while bit of kit! IMHO of course