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R1 engined RWD Mini Minus

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#1621 Ade


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Posted 09 April 2006 - 08:48 PM

That was quick for Pete!

Was just about to say there's another clip on my website now! Frontpage same clip from a different camera though. :-

Still think there's a good second or two to come of that! :( If I can launch it properly!!!!

http://www.adesmini....k/downloads/Ade just the run.wmv

#1622 fastcarl


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Posted 09 April 2006 - 10:14 PM

That was quick for Pete!

Was just about to say there's another clip on my website now! Frontpage same clip from a different camera though. :-

Still think there's a good second or two to come of that! :( If I can launch it properly!!!!

http://www.adesmini....ust the run.wmv!!

Ade , a second or two is a lifetime in drag racing,what ever it is , you should be looking at 1.8 sec max so if you knock the 1.8 from your first 60 you will get a good idea,
what was the 60ft on the run against the astra, i see the vid and you had a bad bog but took off once moving , again what was the 60 ft,????.


#1623 Ade


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 08:06 AM

Hi Carl

I'm afraid i didn't get the time slip as it just suddenly opened up with sleety snow type weather and everyone just left.

To be honest I was so annoyed I wasn't that bothered and just wanted to get home in one piece! :-

#1624 markrally


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 09:07 AM

Ade how are you finding the inside of the car apart from noisy?
Is the windscreen misting up?
Is it warm in there??

#1625 R1minimagic


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 09:21 AM

He has got a map that tells him how to get there!! :- :(

#1626 Ade


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 09:25 AM

Well have just phoned Santa Pod to complain and have spoken to the general manager.

Well the general conversation went along the lines of I'm not happy as i explained what happened. He effectively say yes I understand your frustration might i suggest you get here earlier next time?

Great so your happy to let me pay to get in and pay to run the strip while seemingly aware that I'm unlikley to get any runs in??!?!?! No satisfactory information as to why the drag bikes were getting at least three of four runs while i was waiting!! No offer of any good will free entry next time or anything!!! Just sorry come earlier next time!

Well Guess what I suspecting there might not be a next time!!! To :( er

Not a happy chap!

Oh and Mark

Generally fine inside am learning to ignore the noise.

Yes when it's damp the inside does mist up alot. Am going to look at an electric fan of some sort or maybe a heated windscreen.

And no it's freezing! I made a lot of effort to stop heat getting through as I thought it was going to be really hot! and it would appear have done a great job as it's freezing!! :-

#1627 dan__wright


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 09:55 AM

can really see when the power comes in, if you had got a good start you would on enialated the astra.

#1628 Ade


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 12:21 PM

He has got a map that tells him how to get there!! :- :(

Lol I know it's small but no map required!! Just wander around in the garage looking in the shadows for it! :xxx:

Hi Dan yeah it is fairly obvious when the power comes on tap :xxx: Just gutted I didn't get to have another go at trying it!! Am very sure there's a little room for improvement! :o Just means I'll have to practise some launches on a private road somewhere...... :xxx: :dozing:

#1629 dan__wright


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 12:26 PM

yeah you wouldnt belive how many private roads there are out there lol.

need to launch a bit earlier too .7s not too bad but could loose 2 tenths fairly easily.

#1630 Ade


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 12:54 PM

yeah you wouldnt belive how many private roads there are out there lol.

need to launch a bit earlier too .7s not too bad but could loose 2 tenths fairly easily.

LOL Yeah but you got to remember I'm getting old now! Reactions aren't quite what they used to be!! :( :o

I was quite pleased with .7!! :-

#1631 dan__wright


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 01:13 PM

first ever run (and oly one due to rain) .55 ish :-
when you planning on going for another run?

#1632 Ade


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 02:39 PM

lol try that after another 12years of abusing your body!!!

Not sure about going for another run yet... Wil have to see!

Would like to but don't want a repeat of yesterday! :-

#1633 dan__wright


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 03:21 PM

had exactly the same at pod, had to wait 2 hours to sign on, by that time it was about 3:30, got in que and they had to clean the track as it was muddy, got one run in light rain, was very very slippy and kept spinning, got back in the que, heavens opened, closed the stip and wastold wouldnt be getting money back :-

#1634 fastcarl


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 07:04 PM

yeah you wouldnt belive how many private roads there are out there lol.

need to launch a bit earlier too .7s not too bad but could loose 2 tenths fairly easily.

ade ,as i said ,they don't give a toss about joey average, even if he does drive a BEC,lol. all your there for in there eyes is to keep the money coming in so they can host the main events.

also don't worry about reaction times , it does not effect your ET . all it does is help you get the jump on the looser in the other lane,
the best events are the peak performance days ,usually either a friday or a Saturday, you pay more but they limit numbers so you ,in theory get more track time,..
you r car still looks and sounds superb.,


#1635 Ade


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 08:23 PM

ade ,as i said ,they don't give a toss about joey average, even if he does drive a BEC,lol. all your there for in there eyes is to keep the money coming in so they can host the main events.

also don't worry about reaction times , it does not effect your ET . all it does is help you get the jump on the looser in the other lane,
the best events are the peak performance days ,usually either a friday or a Saturday, you pay more but they limit numbers so you ,in theory get more track time,..
you r car still looks and sounds superb.,


Yeah I was getting that feeling when chatting to the general manager. Just not really interested in trying to keep me happy at all! :(

I looked at those peak performance days but not sure I could justify the extra cash when they only limit the day to 100 cars. I'm not convinced there was that many more than that there on sunday!

And thanks and I am very pleased with the looks and sound (very much so the sound!!) of the mini! :-

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