its only advertising promotive anyway isnt it?
I am, and have always been a firm believer in credit where its due - over ten years or more I have bought and installed components and parts from just about every source.
I am genuinely very proud to have a pro-motive kit - the quality of build, the support ( even when he's on holiday abroad ! ), and the fact that pro-motive just seem to give a damn has restored my faith in the whole performance mini tuning scene.
For a while I was upset that I had lost my momentum with Roofless, but choosing this route to get her back on the road is probably the best decision I have ever made.
John's ( COVICS - you'll get to know the name better in time ) ever professional approach to the nature of the install makes me feel I have always cut corners in the past - and for the first time for as long as I can remember I am like an 18 year old again desperate to get on the road and give it some stick !!
Its a wonderful feeling and I can only recommend it all very highly.
So, getting back to the point - roofless carries only 2 logos - promotive, and COVICS. both very deserving in their own right.
I think I need a lie down now.