I’ve decided that I’m going to do an r1 conversion.
However I’m going to do it myself and not use a pro motive kit, not because i think it will be cheaper but because its an engineering exercise.
I’m still in the designing and cad stage.
What I’ve thought about at the moment?
Shaft and bearing block for shaft to clear the crank housing.
System for reversing the rotation so it can be used with a mini diff (Simple two gear design)
Crown wheel replacement for sprocket
Sealed diff housing
bearing block for diff either side.
I’m still thinking about the best way for oiling the chain and tensioning it, I’ve been looking at the scott Oiler for keeping the chain lubricated.
Distances from each other and frame work are a bit tricky at the moment as I don’t have an R1 (5jj) engine to hand yet
Coolio well start you own page & keep us all informed with loads of sexy picys