she's been a bit neglected since we started working on blue nun, I'm still trying to find the motivation and time to strip her all down again, but I took her for a blast round the industrial estates tonight and tried a few power take-offs - lets face it, the engines gotta come out for a full strip-down and rebuild so I might as well have some fun - I'm really getting the hang of the clutch now, and by christ its fast !!
I roughly measured the tyre marks - 20 foot of rubber before she got grip, another 30 feet and more rubber where I dropped into second

torque steer in 2nd and 3rd is mad but I genuinely reckon I'm getting a sub 6 0-60. Cant wait to measure it properly - might have my bubble burst but it still feels astounding.
Had to cut it short, too many spectators made me feel it was a bit unsafe, but my heart was still racing when I got home.

I'm still very very excited, and cant wait to get a decent, fully operational engine and gearbox to feel its full potential.
On another area, we've decided to take a pick-up for the speedo sensors off the rear hubs - somehow attatch a series of magnets to one of the minifins, and I think in similar way we're goin to end up taking a feed for the tacho from the drive sprocket with small magnets and reed switch or similar.
more soon, maybe after IMM.