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Matt's Megajolt guide

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#16 arnie.d


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Posted 22 June 2007 - 04:38 PM

a very good read.
am really interesting in one of these but is there like a complete kit you can buy?
i jus went on the main site n theres like loads of options n bits to buy? :s
like input or output kits etc :P
it really confused me lol

#17 The Matt

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Posted 22 June 2007 - 05:12 PM

As far as I know, there is nobody that offers a full kit. The whole thing is designed and sold as a prototype system really (as I understand it).

It's been tried and tested, but I'm treating it as an experiment.

links worth adding:
Makers/inventors of Megajolt

Speicalist components
They were very helpful guys, great to deal with and also mini lovers! That is always a bonus!

KAD, always good. They have a massive history on the mini scene!

Trigger wheels (also supply EDIS kits)
Seem to supply a lot of the kit that you need!

AF racing, supplier of built MJ units and also kits
Uses this site, Username AlexF2003. Another helpful guy who's also a mini peep! :P

#18 arnie.d


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Posted 22 June 2007 - 05:25 PM

that sucks
be so much easier if there was a kit
there site is so confusing, or is it jus me? :P

#19 minivanman


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Posted 22 June 2007 - 06:10 PM

Good guide Matt. I'll be very interested in seeing how everyone gets on with this. When I sort my blue mini out, I may well put megajolt on it. I'll just have to nick my brothers laptop to tune it :P

#20 miniboo


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 12:39 AM

arnie.d there is a kit. just go to store and then look for kit. lol it is very cheap for the kit especially if you know how to solder

#21 miniboo


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 12:43 AM

i really want a mini now just to try out megajolt. especially for the price i can get it for here. I think i might buy a kit on pay day and build one just for the hell of it.

What is the best type to get MiniMadMe? MAP or TPS????

Think this shows the answer:http://www.autosportlabs.net/index.php?title=Choosing_between_MAP_or_TPS

MAP is easier to do by the looks of it

Edited by miniboo, 23 June 2007 - 12:45 AM.

#22 Ethel


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 12:59 AM

That push fit pneumatic stuff is quite cheap 'n easy to get hold of from industrial suppliers.

I've used stuff made by "Omni Pneumax" for air and oil plumbing

I also thought if you went the machined damper trigger wheel route you'd then be stuck if damper started to separate, think I'll go for a lasercut wheel as I can blag some lathe time.

#23 The Matt

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 07:22 AM

Think this shows the answer:http://www.autosportlabs.net/index.php?title=Choosing_between_MAP_or_TPS

MAP is easier to do by the looks of it

MAP was kind of easier for me, though it did mean that I had to drill and tap the inlet manifold and use all of those push-fit connectors. I believe that TPS is a better option for cars that are running wilder camshafts. You can get carbs that have a TPS on them anyway, even some of the DCOEs had them on there. It really was just a case of me not wanting to do the work of fitting a TPS on mine.

If you're willing to solder, then the kit is a good option. But to be honest, for the cost from AF Racing, you get the comfort that he has built and tested every unit that he sells. Also, he's installed a basic map on there, so it will run as it is. Just needs fine tuning by me.

Ethel: I personally avoided the machined pulley route, I'm not saying it's a bad thing to do, I just preferred the option of retaining the standard pulley and having a seperate trigger wheel. Perhaps that was because I'd just spent £50 odd on a new crank pulley though! :P

#24 arnie.d


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 09:22 AM

i've found this place who offer a kit to, and fitting if desired,


seems pretty good to me. guna give them a call on monday n find some more info out what they do, says they do map seshions n stuff to!
jus need to get the rest of the kit to go with it!

#25 mini93


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 08:42 PM

can u fit throttle position sensor and manifold absolute pressure sensor at the same time? surly 2 inputs helps if one has a failure modern cars do it, also do u think a TPS will fit on a dellorto 40?

#26 AlexF2003


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Posted 30 June 2007 - 01:32 PM

You can only have MAP or TPS not both.

Thats the current limitations of MJ - having said that for the VAST majority of Mini applications the MAP version is the one to go for ;D

If anyone wants to find out some more info I'm more than happy to answer emails, PMs or even phone calls (please do leave a message if you phone and I can't answer :P)


#27 The Matt

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Posted 30 June 2007 - 04:50 PM

i've found this place who offer a kit to, and fitting if desired,


seems pretty good to me. guna give them a call on monday n find some more info out what they do, says they do map seshions n stuff to!
jus need to get the rest of the kit to go with it!

That's Alexf2003 (post above this one). I dealt with him and had no problems what so ever. He was helpful and explained how to fit the kit etc.

#28 Tomf


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Posted 30 June 2007 - 07:56 PM

Miniboo how much can you pick the kits up for out in America?

#29 miniboo


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Posted 02 July 2007 - 12:39 AM

MMM i read that with the SC trigger wheel kit you have to use a different VR sensor or space the normal sensor out. is that correct? what VR sensor have you used and can you do pics of the mounting etc

Edited by miniboo, 02 July 2007 - 04:49 AM.

#30 The Matt

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Posted 02 July 2007 - 07:56 AM

Yeah, the SC trigger kit uses the Magnetti Marelli SEN8D pickup. I bought a new one from a local motor factors for IRO £15. I am yet to find out what cars these were used on as OE but I am trying to (I think it's some models of Ford). The sensor plugs straight into the Ford mutlplug that uses the SEN8T (the one that I originally had, and is OE on Fiestas IIRC).

Oh, and I'll take a piccy of the sensor when I get home :shifty:

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