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#46 Ade


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:43 PM

ooooooooo that's excited some people :withstupid: ;)

And nothing wrong with Subarus!! :cry: Although they do seem to be a bit chavvy these days.......... :ph34r:

I have nothing against a-series engines but the age old agument about the tuning ability compared to bike engines people always seem to compare them to standard bike engines........ Anyone seen a 500Bhp a-series???

I didn't think so ;) :crazy:

#47 t@z


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:44 PM

Anyone seen a 500Bhp a-series???

it could be done, just need 500 horses and a peice of string...sorted

#48 Guess-Works.com


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:55 PM

I like the idea of the R1 in the front... and the 'reliability' of a modern motor, but the lack of reverse will be a real sticker, and is certainly going to limit the attractiveness of the conversion compared to K, Vaux or Vtec....

#49 The Matt

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:59 PM

You could always put a big rubber bumper on the front, so instead of needing a revers gear, you just drive into stuff and bounce off it!

Either that or have an electrical motor driving one of the back wheels somehow?

#50 sheepo


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 01:31 PM

;) :withstupid:

i'm not sure you'd want 500bhp in a mini anyway, a-series or not. how much of that would actualy be usable? and no doubt a 4 wheel drive system would have to be considered to get the power down.

like i said, rice burner engined minis, especially the FWD, is a quality bit of engineering. although i am not the worlds biggest fan of engine transplants, the FWD bike one has got me very interested. not sure how usable they would be as an everyday road car though. time will tell i suppose, the potential is there though.

as for the reliability issue, alot of this stuff is, i suppose what could be called "pioneering" in that these are some of the first ones ever done, so that will be a case of time telling too.

#51 t@z


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 01:49 PM

now someone do a ducatti.... please

#52 supermotolee


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 01:50 PM

i love how this has caused a massive stir i've thought long and hard about the need for reverse and i personally dont think it'l cause me too many problems, at castle combe last year when i origionally spoke to darren about his car and producing a kit he was flying and the kad minis didnt seem to be causing him too many problems, i too love the work that goes into the kad engines but i'm a bike fan too so this is a perfect compramise at a fraction of the cost of a kad engine!!!

#53 fatmini


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 01:53 PM

but am i right in thinking if u use it as a daily runner in 4 years time u will need another engine ,as motor bikes are not intended to do more than around 5k a year on average ?

#54 t@z


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 02:13 PM

long and short of it is if you think it suits you and you want it get it if not dont. i know lee is not going to be using it everyday in and out so yeah he dotn need reverse gear and anyway i'm sure myself, lilly or ulf will get out if in the passenger and push his lazy arse back...

reverse is overrated

#55 fatmini


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 02:29 PM

3 point turn !!???

#56 Ade


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 02:52 PM

but am i right in thinking if u use it as a daily runner in 4 years time u will need another engine ,as motor bikes are not intended to do more than around 5k a year on average ?

Why would you think that??

Think bike couriers.......... hundreds of thousands of miles! And they don't exactly look after them that well lol :withstupid:

#57 fatmini


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 03:00 PM

well i work with a load of bikers and thats what they said plus the couriers ride old sh**ers 5-600cc ers and shred a back tyre and need a new chain and sprocket in a week *as ive known a few *

not performance bikes , im liking it to f1 engines hi performance but after a few races there knackard the high revving sports bikes are simmilar surly as their not designd for high mileage

do u know of any bikes over 60K ?

#58 Baldspeed Racing

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 03:11 PM

At the risk of the abuse but I seem to remember reading somewhere that a reverse gear is required by law on all cars, only trikes and bikes get away without it.

Not doubt someone will correct this if wrong. It may be have been something to do with kit cars and SVA tests so MAY not apply.

Should add that I really like the idea of the R1 in the front, a lot more stealth than the big alloy bulkheads you see in the rear engined versions and still allows you to do things like going going to shows and still get camping gear in


Do a web search for Grenial Scorpions, they are sold as complete cars not running reverse gears. based on BMW bike engines.

#59 t@z


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 03:22 PM

3 point turn !!???

push back, go forward, push back, and off you go....

#60 mini_kev


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 03:44 PM

well i work with a load of bikers and thats what they said plus the couriers ride old sh**ers 5-600cc ers and shred a back tyre and need a new chain and sprocket in a week *as ive known a few *

not performance bikes , im liking it to f1 engines hi performance but after a few races there knackard the high revving sports bikes are simmilar surly as their not designd for high mileage

do u know of any bikes over 60K ?

I'm sure he's not gonna be driving it like an F1 car all the time. The reason racing bikes always need engine rebuilds is because they're flat out constantly. Its not the high mileage, its the constsant strain on the engine. Im sure they're capable of doing a lot of miles if driven at a reasonable standard, ie keeping to the speed limits etc like you would be if you were using it as a daily car.

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