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#31 mini_kev


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 11:43 AM

I have been looking at this and im very tempted!!!

But not to sure on how it would go in a rally car, it would be intresting. :withstupid:

DO IT!!!! Il happily push that in and out of parking spaces/ the pits for ya! Afterall the codrivers there to push as you kept telling me last week!

#32 Ade


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 11:43 AM

yeah but some peoples drives are on a hill and i had trouble push an empty shell on my own :withstupid:

and what if you have a really narrow garage! yikes..

as much as i'd love an R1 or bike engined mini, it would need reverse!

My drives on a hill and my garage isn't what you'd call mahoosive ;) Never found it a problem........ Pete's even managed to push mine around with me in it!! ;) (come on then Jammy out with the witty retort!)

#33 mini_kev


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 11:50 AM

yeah but some peoples drives are on a hill and i had trouble push an empty shell on my own :withstupid:

and what if you have a really narrow garage! yikes..

as much as i'd love an R1 or bike engined mini, it would need reverse!

My drives on a hill and my garage isn't what you'd call mahoosive ;) Never found it a problem........ Pete's even managed to push mine around with me in it!! :cry: (come on then Jammy out with the witty retort!)

isnt yours made of fibreglass! ;)

#34 Udo


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 11:52 AM

At the risk of the abuse but I seem to remember reading somewhere that a reverse gear is required by law on all cars, only trikes and bikes get away without it.

Not doubt someone will correct this if wrong. It may be have been something to do with kit cars and SVA tests so MAY not apply.

Should add that I really like the idea of the R1 in the front, a lot more stealth than the big alloy bulkheads you see in the rear engined versions and still allows you to do things like going going to shows and still get camping gear in


#35 Bam


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 11:57 AM

reverse is required, you would be stuckwithout it any way!!!

ive been thinking about it and i dont think it would be pratical anyway. the engine is not dsigned to pull that amount of weight and under those sonditions. for that money i could build my 1380 to an amazing standard.

would be a cool road car though!!!

#36 mini_kev


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:01 PM

reverse is required, you would be stuckwithout it any way!!!

ive been thinking about it and i dont think it would be pratical anyway. the engine is not dsigned to pull that amount of weight and under those sonditions. for that money i could build my 1380 to an amazing standard.

would be a cool road car though!!!

Yer we'd be pretty stuck! Think of those chicanes we hit! How would we have got out!!!

#37 Bam


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:02 PM

reverse is required, you would be stuckwithout it any way!!!

ive been thinking about it and i dont think it would be pratical anyway. the engine is not dsigned to pull that amount of weight and under those sonditions. for that money i could build my 1380 to an amazing standard.

would be a cool road car though!!!

Yer we'd be pretty stuck! Think of those chicanes we hit! How would we have got out!!!

thats what the nav's for.... pushing!!! :withstupid:

#38 mini_kev


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:07 PM

;) !!

Yer well the drivers for driving round the track!...... not off off into the field!

Posted Image


#39 R1mini


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:17 PM

You don't need a reverse by law, but it would be nice to have the option of an electric reverse at least, but as had been said elsewhere I think the room or lack of it, is so tight it's not possible


#40 Ade


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:18 PM

ive been thinking about it and i dont think it would be pratical anyway. the engine is not designed to pull that amount of weight and under those conditions.

Yep.... that's why they're so slow and unreliable..........

At the risk of repeating myself......... as stated before they have more power and torque that the original engines that were designed to pull that amount of weight. The gearing is adapted so that helps massively with the strain on the engine.

but if you'd rather spend the money tuning an a-series then fair enough that's your choice and entitlement :withstupid:

I'll just leave with a single quote.....

"you can polish a turd all day long, but it'll still be a turd"

Joking!! Before I get strung up ;) ;)

#41 fatmini


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:24 PM

i thought the quote was " you cant polish a turd " !!!

#42 sheepo


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:29 PM

blimey ade, are you calling the legendary a-series a turd? ;)

i think you should ask dan webster and his brother about polishing "turds", he may have something to say about it! :withstupid:

don't get me wrong the bike conversion is a quality bit of engineering in the front or back.

#43 Jammy


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:30 PM

Personally I don't try and polish my turds! Or anyone elses turds!

#44 fatmini


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:37 PM

Personally I don't try and polish my turds! Or anyone elses turds!

ahhh u dont know what ur missing :withstupid:

#45 t@z


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:38 PM

all i can say about turds is he did own a subaru :withstupid: (i think)

Edited by t@z, 25 May 2007 - 12:41 PM.

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